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Commented on:

You Got The Job! But Is It A Good One?

on May 31, 2008: The signs listed are good, but I have to agree with those that commented on incompetent management. Nothing knots my stomach more than meeting a new supervisor and slowly realizing they have little qualification for their position. People like this that have had their jobs for any significant amou…

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Parenting Without A Paddle

on May 31, 2008: Correlation does not equal causation. That being said, anything done in an inappropriate or to excess will cause harm, be it reward or punishment.

Firm, consistent discipline is necessary to child development and a loving parent that swats their child calmly to reinforce a rule or get …

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Shopping For A Different Kind Of Genes

on May 31, 2008: If I had that kind of money to spend, I would certainly do it if only for the curiosity factor. I'm pretty healthy, as is my family tree, but it would be nice to know if they saw anything interesting. The only problem I would have is if there was some sort of push after testing to purchase insuran…