23% of US schools required that students wear a uniform to school last year. Where do you stand on the uniform debate? Vote by midnight on Aug 21 to win a $30 Amazon gift card!

Did you wear uniforms? Do your kids? What do you think about them?

In favor of uniforms: Less pressure about what to wear, so higher focus on learning (72.2%)

Against uniforms: Kids should be able to wear what they like & are comfortable in (27.8%)

23% of US schools required that students wear a uniform to school last year. Where do you stand on the uniform debate? Vote by midnight on Aug 21 to win a $30 Amazon gift card!
  • annemaeanne By annemaeanne
    on Aug 19, 2014  

    I never had to wear uniforms, but I am in favor of them as I feel they help take away the pressure some kids feel to wear new or expensive clothes that their parents can't afford.

  • hunnydu By hunnydu
    on Aug 19, 2014  

    YES to uniforms!!! All the kids are dressed the same. No one gets teased for not being cool with the latest fashion. Uniforms are more cost effective and your know what's being worn every day. I wore uniforms 6 our of my 12 years in school.

  • blossominglilac By blossominglilac
    on Aug 19, 2014  

    I went to Catholic school for 7 years and had to wear a uniform. The shirts chosen for me to wear (partly due to finances) were hideous and I still got picked on regularly. In my opinion, the only chance of uniforms working for conformity is if there are only certain brands and styles allowed. Like a catalog to choose from where everything costs the same amount.

  • blossominglilac By blossominglilac
    on Aug 19, 2014  

    I went to Catholic school for 7 years and had to wear a uniform. The shirts chosen for me to wear (partly due to finances) were hideous and I still got picked on regularly. In my opinion, the only chance of uniforms working for conformity is if there are only certain brands and styles allowed. Like a catalog to choose from where everything costs the same exact amount.

  • jordanry By jordanry
    on Aug 19, 2014  

    Absolutely in favor of uniforms- saves money on back to school since they can be worn year to year in most cases and less hassle getting ready in the morning and no more peer pressure to wear just the right clothes.

  • lcurtsinger0003 By lcurtsinger0003
    on Aug 19, 2014  

    I am sitting on the fence on this one. I think regardless of whether or not kids are wearing uniforms, kids can be harsh and make fun of other kids. I think uniforms are ok if there is some flexibility in them. As well, I often see girls wearing uniforms inappropriately.

  • Charliegirl01 By Charliegirl01
    on Aug 19, 2014  

    I did not wear uniforms and I do not care for the concept of unifying children. The children need to learn how to be individuals and express themselves as such. I do believe that simple dress rules should apply such as: No underwear showing, nofacial piercings, no excessive breast cleavage, no buttocks showing, no foul words or nudity on clothing.

  • veronicajo By veronicajo
    on Aug 19, 2014  

    I went to Catholic grade school & high school. When my job switched to uniforms I was the only one not mad about. The thing most people don't understand is is so easy to get dressed in the morning. No derision no switching outfit. because they are all the same. They even save you a lot of money.

  • Your1chef By Your1chef
    on Aug 19, 2014  

    I did not wear a uniform but I always wished that we did. It was very stressful growing up, our family did not have much money, so I had to spend a considerable amount of time trying to repurpose each item of clothing that I had. My kids wear uniforms and don't seem to have any issues. Which seems to save us money in the long run.

  • SunnySideUp By SunnySideUp
    on Aug 19, 2014  

    My kids are in public schools so they don't have uniforms, but I wish they did: so much easier to get them dressed and out the door in the morning :)