The summer of 1982 is remembered for its many classic movie releases. Which of the following from 30 years ago has stood the test of time?

What is your favorite classic movie?

Conan the Barbarian (4.7%)

Rocky III (10.4%)

Poltergeist (12.2%)

E.T. (74.7%)

The World According to Garp (1.5%)

An Officer and a Gentleman (18.7%)

Pink Floyd The Wall (8.9%)

Fast Times at Ridgemont High (16.0%)

None of them! (5.6%)

The summer of 1982 is remembered for its many classic movie releases. Which of the following from 30 years ago has stood the test of time?
  • GuessWho By GuessWho
    on Jul 19, 2012  

    The 80's was the best.