There has been a decline in soda drinking in the US in recent years. Which of the following soda statements apply to you?

What is your favorite soda?

I can't get through a day without at least one soda! (15.1%)

I drink it sporadically (21.3%)

I only drink diet soda (15.1%)

I am trying to give up soda/drink less (12.2%)

I drink it for the caffeine (6.0%)

I am not a soda drinker (42.4%)

There has been a decline in soda drinking in the US in recent years. Which of the following soda statements apply to you?
  • Lv2Read By Lv2Read
    on May 27, 2014  

    I always drank soda as a child. In my early twenties I decided to stop drinking it, and never went back to it. I never even miss drinking it. I only drink water and juice. Of course, my son likes soda, so I have to limit his intake. Now if I could only cut down on sweets! ;)

  • hunnee By hunnee
    on May 27, 2014  

    i fluctuate....sometimes i crave soda for months at a time...then not desire it at all. its really odd, because just a few years ago, i couldn't imagine making it a day without a 2 liter! go figure....

  • Autumnkat By Autumnkat
    on May 28, 2014  

    After I found out that carbonated beverages are bad for bones, I stopped drinking them. On a rare occasion I'll drink pop (I'm from the Pittsburgh area, so we say "pop"), but I prefer to drink water.

  • didama By didama
    on May 28, 2014  

    I stopped drinking soda years ago. Now, I can't stand the taste. I'm sure that its psychological as I know how unhealthy it is.

  • AprilWilliamsHart By AprilWilliamsHart
    on May 29, 2014  

    As a whole family we have always drunk sodas but in the past year my husband went to the doctor and they told him that he needed to lower his sugar intake and he quit drinking sodas and went to just water and the drink packets that doesn't contain sugar. Then a couple of months later I started having problems and thought that it might be the Carbonation in the drinks so I stopped. We still let the kids drink sodas but we do not. I still like my coffee, tea and juices though!