EL James 50 Shades of Grey

EL James 50 Shades of Grey

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This book was my first erotic romance, and I must say I couldn't finish it. Maybe I needed a lighter romance book first, before I got into this one. Certain events that took place made my ears bleed, lol, but it was an okay book. All of my friends were head over heels, because they are used to reading these types of novels, maybe I wasn't ready.

This book is very controversial. On the one hand you have people who are loving it and wanting to read it again and again. Then the other hand you have those that cannot get through it and say it is too much or just not written right. This book takes you from the fantasy that everyone believes and makes it a bit more real with how some relationships are. The main story is very good and shows you that some people are not as put together as they seem. It makes you step back before you judge someone. It was written slightly poorly but still had the story that was good. Some say that the main female character was lacking a backbone which she did in some cases but it shows that it is hard to stand up for yourself but she comes through in the end with a backbone. The sex scenes are intense and will make some cringe and others salivate at the mouth. It is all a matter of opinion. Just BEWARE that they are there and may be intense to those of more traditional values. The book is good and was a good read. I would recommend it to only certain friends.

Let me say that this book is a very simple book. If you are looking for something profound then you would be better served reading something else. This book is entertaining though, if you can deal with the author repeating herself constantly. It's totally unbelievable and ridiculous but I still had fun reading it. I'm currently reading GREY, From Christians prospective. I am hoping that it's better than her first three, though I don't have much hope of that.

Well, I read this book because all my friends are crazy about it; but I don't think is a good book. A little boring, repetitive, predictable. I bought the trilogy and feel very disappointed with these books, but I think this is the better of the trilogy.

Good story that had the potential to be a great story if it had been better written.

I read this book like 3 years ago. It was OK for me. The book was entertaining and made me go and do a bit of a research on some fun things you can do ;P

A good story line but I think it was poorly written. Very predictable and repetitive.

I loved the series and can say it was definitely an interesting read.

I am a fan of books that describe the lives of people who seem ordinary but have many secrets in their lives. Fact is the story line of this series is not that far fetched. Also I would recommend reading at least book two along with book one. Book one has not even touched upon the depth of Christian Grey.

I'm on the 2nd novel and I'm really liking them. I don't often read S&M, but I actually think the author does well with the subject. It's discussed in a more tasteful way in my opinion. Someone mentioned trashy, bloody scenes, and to each his or her own, but I completely disagree. There's no blood in this. Also, they mentioned that they thought it would be a romance novel, and it certainly was. I found it exciting and fun and I'm really enjoying it.

I typically don't read s&m this was my first time at it. I actually love the books. I got into them because a huge twihard (we are now called twishades) fan I had to read this because it was originally a twilight fanfic called Master of the Universe. I can't read it as Edward and Bella though, much prefer it as Christian and Anastasia. The last one in the series I am disappointed in the ending though it puts too much in a short time, it needed to go on a little more...

I just finished book one and can't wait to read the other 2. Only decided to read them because of all the hype and then heard they are making a movie. Never got into the Twilight series or Hunger Games but thought this series would be more to my liking. Did not expect the s&m when I started but I think the author does pretty well with it. I really like the characters and can't wait to see what happens with them in the next 2 books. The author has me hooked.

I loved this series. I read all three books in two weeks. The second book by far was the best.

Have read Book 1 & 2, am just getting started on three. I got sucked into the story of the two characters in Book 1 so continued. I can agree with many of the reviews. There are times in Book 2 where I was a little bored with how "in love" they said they were. I can also say that it was nice to know that there was at least a love story to it and not all S&M. There are times when I have to remind myself to take a breath, and there are others where I have to force myself to stay awake reading it. I have read way worse books that's for sure. The series isn't suppose to be a classic like Shakespeare, Bronte or Twain, it is something that is simply fun to read. Will finish the series for some of my fun Summer reading.

I think these books are great. Were they the best written books ever? No, but despite all the sex scenes and f bombs, I found myself unable to put them down and read the whole trilogy in less than a week. It does have lots&lots&lots of sex scenes, but underneath is a love story that keeps you reading.