EL James 50 Shades of Grey

EL James 50 Shades of Grey

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177 Reviews 3.6/5 stars
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I don't know what to say about the current generation if they think this is good literature. If you're looking for a good book, try reading anything by Jodi Picoult instead.

I finally had to succumb to the peer pressure and give this book a try. I really tried to like it, and I will say that I did at first. However, the honeymoon period soon came to an end. The steamy sex was intriguing at first, but soon became repetitive and even boring, not to mention completely unbelievable. The female main character is so meek and innocent, not to mention totally obsessed with Mr. Gray that it started to get on my nerves. Needless to say I was definitely disappointed in this book.

I am one of the few people who did not like this book. It was very poorly written. The story line was weak. There was nothing sexy or interesting about it. Grey was a possessive control freak. What's so sexy about that. It was one of the most poorly written books that I've read in a long time.

50 shades books are o.k. I am not one to read books like this but after all of the shades of gray talk, I needed to know what the big deal was. The writing itself is sub-par. It is the steamy sex scenes that grabbed everyone's attention and even those get old quickly. This book boils down to a woman who becomes submissive to a controlling man...BLAH. At first the intense sex situations will intrigue you and then become entirely too predictable...

This has to be the most poorly written drivel to capture and fascinate a large audience. While some parts were ok I couldn't get past how badly written it was. I have no issue with erotica as long as it is well written which this was not

Poorly written, poor material. This book is not worth your time. Especially considering it was written as a spoof off the Twilight series, if that isn't enough to deter you, I'm not sure what is.

I feel I was the only woman who did not like this book. I thought it was the same old thing over and over again. I thought it was poorly written. I thought it was one big mess. I couldn't even finish it and had to ask a friend how it ended.

I read it. I admit I did to very few people, but for the sake of this review I will admit it. This started out as a Twilight fan fic smut and it is about the same quality of Twilight if we're being honest. The book is repetitive and shallow. There is so much out there that could offer so much more than this book. It isn't the least bit good. Seriously ladies, when she sees Christian's erect penis her reaction is /Holy Cow/ enough said. The book is chalked full of pathetic things like that. The plot line of this book is about like this Hi I'm 20 -something. I met you by chance. I want you. Seriously I want you bad. I don't care that you're a bad boy. I want you now. God especially since you're biting your lip for the 10000000000th time. It sucks. I was sorry I was literate for a short time after reading this book, until I went and picked up quality literature.

This book was so incredibly poorly written, it's basically porn. I don't think most people are paying attention to how cheesy and lame the dialogue is and are more concerned about the messed up sex scenes.

If I could give less than one star, I would. I read as many books as I can get my hands on. I love books but this one, not so much. If you like breathy, one dimensional 20-ish year old main characters who go all googley eyed at the sight of a handsome man wearing his signature (expensive) gray tie and just can't imagine what sorts of nasty items he keeps in his red room of pain and is so simperingly insipid , them maybe you will love this book. It is a cheesy romance novel with dark hints of BDSM thrown in. If you want to read about BDSM, start with the Story of O. It's a classic, albeit a creepy one. This book will never be a classic. YAWN. Very predictable and formulaic.

I had to read it because it was all the rage and I love to read so I had to find out what the buzz was all about! Well, about half way through I felt dirty, like I had read something very wrong. But I will admit I am one of those that I can't start a book and not finish....maybe there was more to it and if I didn't finish I would never know. Well, I did finish it and am still conflicted about it. The writing was sub par and having read all of the Twilight books (yeah, I know, not exactly classic literature, but I still loved them) I felt that this story was such a knock off. The characters were so similar in personality, social situation, financial situation...just so much. The porn (I feel like it was porn) was the only reason this book went so far. I like to re-read books that I love and needless to say that this book will never be picked up by me again.

Sorry, I bought all three books after hearing rave reviews. I read the first one with little hope...and I couldn't get through the second one. I thought the reading was very elementary at best. If you want a good naughty read pick up Anne Rice and her "fairy tale" series.

I never read the book i bought the trilogy but was turned off by the movie...

Never even bother finishing it. I was confused as to where it was really leading towards. It really felt like a 13 year old boy found a bunch of porn scenes e liked and wrote about them in the pretense of a girls point of view. No. Just....this was creepy and I felt violated after Anastasia was left crying alone the first time. That is NOT what Doms do! This should have stayed on fanficiton.net

Wow, if I could negatively rate this book, I would. The prose was less than highschool and the character development was disheartening. Anastasia is an ultra weak female character, and Christian Grey is powerful, masculine like Gaston to me with no internal dialogue but his dick. It's very adult and mostly just about sexual fantasies, so if you love a good erotic novel, this is a great and easy, enlightening read about BDSM. Other than that, it's not a book that should a "must-read."