Downy Simple Pleasures Fabric Softener

Downy Simple Pleasures Fabric Softener

              Rated #6 in Laundry
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436 Reviews 4.6/5 stars
96% Recommended
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Who doesn't like the smell of downy they have the best smelling products ever(:

This has a great scent and does not over power you with perfumed madness. It also makes your clothes fresh and fluffy. Downy really is my favorite brands though I use what typically is on sale when it is I stock up on it.

Love the smell.

Love this

I loved the smell it left on my clothes and how soft my clothes were BUT with sensitive skin it gave me and my son a rash. Not suggested for those with sensitive skin.

Smells sssssoooooooooooooo good!

Absolutely love this product. My clothes always smell so good and fresh.

Love the long lasting fragrance it gives my clothes.

The pleasant long lasting scent reminds me of unicorns and sweet dreams. It lasted for forever. Each time I pulled something out of the closest after using the Downy Simple Pleasures Fabric Softener I was delighted to get a fresh burst of pure smelly goodness. It left my clothes soft and fluffy without adding too much additional drying time like some other fabric softeners can. It also let the laundry room full of the fresh scent.

I love the way this smells and how long it lasts.

love this stuff! I even spray a mix of this with water to refreshen clothes and bedsheets

Best smelling softener out there.

I generally use the Downy Simple Pleasures fabric softener on my clothing, bedding and towels. It leaves it smelling fresh and my clothes come out soft. It makes the towels and sheets very soft as well and I love the fresh scent it leaves on them. And no static cling!!

Mmmmm! The smell is amazing. Nothing better than getting into bed with clean great smelling sheets.

LOVE __LOVE ___ LOVE this stuff. It smells so wonderful. My husband doesn't mind it either. It really makes my clothes static free, soft and smell great. Did I say I love this stuff?