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Medically Diagnosed Migraine Headaches
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on Apr 30, 2008 (Read 5066 times | Comments: 25)
I've suffered over 20+ years. I've done everything, from shots and pain pills to daily maintainance seisure drugs. I've recently tried Medical acupuncture with auricular treatments, reflexology, kinesiology and acupuncture - which has actually worked for me, knock on wood - for the last month. I'm told the migraine lessen or go away when I hit menopause, but I'm 46 and that could or couldn't be anytime soon. Does anyone have any advise, similar experiances or any thing I can do to keep them from returning? I'm not on BC pills, I've had ESSURE done and I don't do caffeine, nicotine, aspartame or the usual migraine triggers. I'm careful and I do work out, I'm just so in the dark as to why I can't get healthy and rid of them for good! Thanks, everyone! I appreciate your feedback!

on Nov 10, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm a severe migraineur & was having a terrible time w/mine recently...my neurologist asked me if I'd made any dietary changes & when I told her the only thing we'd been doing was using more soy milk/soy products, she FREAKED OUT!! She said that people w/migraines actually need to be very careful about their soy intake due to the natural estrogen-like properties of soy. I'm not going to be able to phrase it eloquently b/c I had a migraine earlier & gave myself a shot, but basically, the soy jacks with your hormones-which already tend to have their own issues when you're a migraineur. She said if I wanted to keep soy as part of my diet, to do it in careful moderation & definitely be careful around ovulation & menstruation times, when my hormones would already be wacky (and I'm prone to wicked HA's.) So much for using soy as relief for my perimenopause symptoms!

on Dec 29, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was at work the other day and read an article about how Botox is actually curing some people of their migraines. I called my aunt who has suffered with them for almost 50 years and told her about it. Her doctor said it is an upcoming new treatment for migraines and she is going to have it done at the end of January. Don't know if it will work on her but here's hoping! If that is something you would consider, you might talk it over with your doc.

on Dec 30, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Pennsgal I totally feel your pain...literally! I've had migraines since I was 7 years old and am now 48 and am in pre-menopause. My sister is two years older and tells me that the migraines get worse during the pre-menopause stage (which I can vouch for as I've had some really bad ones that required a shot of demerol as well) then better once you're actually in menopause. Great! I've tried everything over the years, even had botox injections for migraines when it was first being tested for that. It only helped with the stress related ones, not the ones that come with your cycle. I wish I had some advice to give, but as you can see from these posts everyone's experience is different and different things work for different people. Stress is always a big factor, and your cycle is going to affect it as well. I'm with you on not taking drugs as your body works up resistance which only leads to needing more. I speak from experience and purging your system cold turkey is a MOFO!

on Jan 29, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I used to get a migraine a week, sometimes 2 if I was really stressed. I do have a prescription for Imitrex, but the pills are expensive. I started working out more than what I used to and the migraines are now down to 1-2 a month, and only around my period. I added another half hour to my workout so I now do at least 60min of cardio at my target heart range 4 days a week. I also do 45min yoga class on day 5. For me this helped more than medication and diet changes.

on Feb 05, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

pennsgal, I also suffer from migraines, just had one for two days that ended just yesterday, thankfully I hadn't had a bad one like that for a few months myself. I was on birth control and after 10 years my doctor finally said, maybe we should stop that and see if that was one of the causes. I am also on high blood pressure pills which seem to help. In 2007 I was in the hospital getting shots6 months in a row, not counting the doctor trips to get a shot of taradol, sorry if misspelled, so i understand trying to get back to a normal life. I also tried everything ,with me most didn't work, I would get full blown migraines so couldn't take anything for the so called onset of one. I make sure I do neck streches everyday, everyother day I sleep with a heat wrap on my next, almost on a daily basis I take excedrine tension because this is what works for me. I still get the ora migraines alot but prefer those over hospital visits. I have a degenarative disk in neck so I always have a headache

on Feb 15, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a suffer too. I just happened to see a talk show about gluten allergies and tried a few suggestion and have seem major results. My 14 year old daughter is suffering also really bad around her period time. So we talked and cut down on breads and all carbo's she is also seeing that this is helping. Look into it, it is worth the time for a less severe headache. Not sure of the girls name but she is the younger blond on the View she wrote a book on what not the eat and how to cook. Good luck.

on Feb 16, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am on topamax 2 times daily. it helps then i take exdrin which i use to not be able to take but now can again. i did one time have botox injection which helped big time get rid of them. I also was not able to the zomig, imtrig do to my body go use to them. Talk with your doctor about all the options. Also look into all the causes too being if related to homones then have them put you on bc& menopause patch that has helped me big time with not getting them too. its all in the talking to all your doctors and working things out. being you want ot make sure you know whats the cause of them are. I know i tried biofedback didnt work. acutpucture didnt work. but chiropractor care does. and so does taking the right meds eating right and getting enough sleep. those are the factores and avoiding caffine for me. I hope my post helps hope

on Mar 03, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have also learned recently that nitrates are a big migraine trigger - nitrates are found in such foods as onions, pickles, prepared meats and prepackaged meals (whether frozen and healthy or cheap and unhealthy) If you Google nitrates and migraines, they will give you the full list. I was shocked to learn yogurt was also on that list. Now, I'm just careful with my intake of yogurt, I never eat any around my period and i have all but alleviated all other nitrates. It helps, but I still get migraines at period time. I have really found the best way to lessen migraine pain is to wean yourself off the daily maintainance drugs - like Topomax and let your body heal through the pain naturally - each migraine gets less and less painful. It take major will power and strength, but it's worth the effort.

on Mar 06, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi pennsgal, I just found that out recently myself. My doctor gave me a list of foods that can trigger a migraine. I am doing pretty good about not eating most of them, but I can't seem to stay away from the cheeses. I even recently switched to turkey and chicken with my dishes instead of the red meat, even my husband who loves red meat is seeing a difference in his headaches. I am going to google nitrates and see what else I can learn. Thanks for the info!! Oh I also started drinking more water and that seems to be helping because I also learned that dehydration can be a factor as well.

on Mar 21, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you tried chiropractic care? I am currently taking the following and they help me out. topamax 50 mg 2twice daily. Also watch what I eat I have noticed that salt / sodium is a new causer, perfume, BO, Caffiene, I been dealing with these for 17 yrs since a car accident. Also found that being that when I am not taking bc i am worse too. Its weird. Also when I was preg It was awesome. I have had botox injection 13 yrs ago and that helped. But not all insurances cover them now. also very risky too. Just keep praying that menopause will help but i know when i took menopause shot that caused them. I was dealing 10 worse then normal. its no fun at all. gl
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