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Medically Diagnosed Migraine Headaches
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on Apr 30, 2008 (Read 5070 times | Comments: 25)
I've suffered over 20+ years. I've done everything, from shots and pain pills to daily maintainance seisure drugs. I've recently tried Medical acupuncture with auricular treatments, reflexology, kinesiology and acupuncture - which has actually worked for me, knock on wood - for the last month. I'm told the migraine lessen or go away when I hit menopause, but I'm 46 and that could or couldn't be anytime soon. Does anyone have any advise, similar experiances or any thing I can do to keep them from returning? I'm not on BC pills, I've had ESSURE done and I don't do caffeine, nicotine, aspartame or the usual migraine triggers. I'm careful and I do work out, I'm just so in the dark as to why I can't get healthy and rid of them for good! Thanks, everyone! I appreciate your feedback!

on Jun 19, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I really feel for you. I had breast cancer when I was 47 and the chemo put me into menopause. My migraines aren't nearly as bad. I take Zomig for mine. It is like a wonder drug.

on Jun 19, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »


on Jul 08, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you can afford it, try to get on a routine with the acupuncture. You could try to schedule your appointments around your menstrual cycle. You may end up going once a week, 3 weeks a month. Acupuncture can get costly, but your health insurance may help with part or all of the cost.

on Jul 10, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thanks, everyone for the input. I was on Zomig for a while and my body got used to it after a while and it stopped working for me. It seems, now - that the only relief I am getting is a total cleansing of all prescription meds, including the daily Topamax I was taking for migraine maintainance and the Frova, which I took for pain when I got migraines. I researched the triptans and found that the more you take in a month, the more your body relies on them - so even tho they are deemed as non-addictive, my body still needed them and depended on them. It was a hard, hard thing to do, to suffer through the pain without meds, but with the help of my Acupuncturist, who is also a Dr. of Chiropratic Medicine and his treatment also includes Reflexology, Chiropratic manipulation and a Kineseology session, I have been migraine free for 3 months. This is astonishing to me, as I was living my life with almost a perpetual migraine. Now I'm learning to live pain free. Sure, around my period, I still get a bit of a headache and some pressure, but I treat with all homeopathic remedies and so far, all has worked for me. I also watch I eat as far as taking in toxins such as MSG, caffeine, aged cheeses and wines, fermented, pickled and processed foods - all the stuff on the "migraine trigger" list. You have to be faithful, have patience (which is hard with a migraine) and just plain give it time, but it's working for me.

on Jul 10, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Glad to hear you've gotten everything under control and are no longer suffering!

on Jun 21, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I know how you feel, although my migraines weren't as severe. I am almost 52 and in menopause and my migraines are almost non-existant! Hooray!!!! I wish the same for you! Good for you for going the non-medicinal route. I don't knock prescriptions if they help, but I always try alternatives myself. Keep up the acupuncture, etc., if you are getting relief.

on Jun 21, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have suffered from Migraines since my early 20s and I am 42. My doctor just put me on Lexapro. I don't have symtoms of depression but they are finding that it is good for other things, like arthritis, migraines, anxiety. I have not had one or even the onset of one since I have been put on it. You can reserch the internet first and then talk to the doc about it.

on Jun 22, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hey pennsgal, have you checked you iron levels? If I don't take iron for more than a week I get these horrible migraines. I'm anaemic, so that maybe why you get migraines. With iron though, you cannot have caffeine or dairy products within 2 hours of taking the iron tablet, because the iron won't even get digested. Vitamin c should be taken with iron, and iron makes me vomit if I have an empty stomach. Don't talk iron within an hour of going to bed because it keeps you awake. Well, I hope this helps, if not then good luck.

on Aug 11, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wow - everyone has been so helpful. I just suffered a major setback and after 2 days of an excruciating migraine - I had to go to the ER and get shots of Demerol for the 1st time ever. I was told in the ER to follow up with my neurologist, so I am going to ask him about Lexipro, even tho I don't want to go back on meds. This past migraine was the worst one I ever had. I'll Also discuss the iron levels with the Dr. Maybe we can find something we didn't know about before and get this treated..

on Aug 12, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you tried Topamax? That helps mine somewhat, but they never totally go away. I get ocular migraines that I've suffered with for 20+ years now.(I'm 43) I've been to pain management, neurologists, Headache Association of Ameriaca, etc and nothing really ever " works" only gives temporary relief, as I'm sure you are aware of. Also, try yoga. The less stress you have, the better it is to deal with the onset. Good luck and let everyone know if you find the miracle cure!!
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