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Please get your mammograms
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on Nov 03, 2007 (Read 2154 times | Comments: 20)
Please remember to get a yearly mammogram. I have breast cancer and I am going through chemo and radiation. I did not get a mammogram because I did not have insurance and was not tested for 4 years. I also never did a self exam since it does not run in the family. It could save your life.

on Aug 13, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am slightly behind you, Rose50. I have just been diagnosed. So new, I haven't told but a couple of people. I haven't even told my parents or inlaws. Trying not to worry them until they have to be. Next step the surgery then radiation, and possibly chemo. I hope you are doing well.....as well as you can in a situation like this. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.....Best of luck to you!

One thing I would like to add for all of you ladies that have had BREAST REDUCTIONS, do not listen to the radiologist! If you feel a lump, get it biopsied! They told me not to worry....they said it was scar tissue.....THEY were WRONG! My lump has been there since 2003, but I was not aware. It was on my mammogram though, I saw the film at my DR's office. It is the same spot that you can now feel the lump. GRRRRRR would love to see his face when he gets my angry letter. But that will come later, after I fight this fight!

on Aug 13, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Rose50: Your are in my prayers - my sister had BC and lucky for her and us it was stage 0 and she only needed radiation - she was just 50 at the time. Now 3 yrs later she's doing great.

on Aug 22, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thank you everyone fro you concern. I just had a mammogram and it looked good. I go again in 6 monnths. I am so glad to be done with the chemo and radiation. My hair is starting to come back curly. I feel pretty good except I have to take Arimidex for 5 years. IT makes me so tired and I don't sleep. I'm going to ask the DR. in Sept to get me a new medication if he can. No matter what don't make the mistake I did go every year for a mammogram. I am the first in my family to have breast cancer. IN December I had a stroke I am doing fine now. They think since I have heart problems the chemo might have been to much for me. I had my mitral valve replaced 10 years ago. AS of now my health seems to be fine. I do what what i can and can't wait for coler weather to start mt walking again. I hope I can get on this site more often now that i don't have to run every day to radiation. Let me know how you make out with your mammograms. I will keep everyone in my prayers. I feel so lucky to still be alive. I have changed my priorities. I enjoy the small things now. Like just staying home with my family and not trying to keep up with the Jonses Lol. I enjoy just sitting and looking at my flowers. We had to move because of all the medical bills but I am so happy we have a place. Its the cutest apartment. We do have insurance now but we still have bills to pay. Take care everyone.

on Aug 22, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by SSIAnkie » 
I am slightly behind you, Rose50. I have just been diagnosed. So new, I haven't told but a couple of people. I haven't even told my parents or inlaws. Trying not to worry them until they have to be. Next step the surgery then radiation, and possibly chemo. I hope you are doing well.....as well as you can in a situation like this. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.....Best of luck to you!

One thing I would like to add for all of you ladies that have had BREAST REDUCTIONS, do not listen to the radiologist! If you feel a lump, get it biopsied! They told me not to worry....they said it was scar tissue.....THEY were WRONG! My lump has been there since 2003, but I was not aware. It was on my mammogram though, I saw the film at my DR's office. It is the same spot that you can now feel the lump. GRRRRRR would love to see his face when he gets my angry letter. But that will come later, after I fight this fight!

I pray that you will get through whatever you have to. Just remember everyone will be wanting to help you. Keep your spirits up. I had many days I just cried. My 17 year old daughter did everything she could to keep my spirits up. You will need your family around you tell them soon its not something you need to keep to yourself. I can understand your anger. I Pray for the best for you. If you want to talk more email me at beach2shell@yahoo.com MY name is Doreen put mammogram friend in subject line shespeaks. I hoope you have gotten good news.

on Aug 28, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I completely agree with this post. Getting a routine mammagram is an easy, not hard way to save money, not to mention your LIFE!

on Sep 11, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I lost my Mom because of breast cancer (fatal allergic reaction to chemo)when she was only 55. I have had 2 grandmothers with breast cancer though they were in their 70's and 80's. Within months of losing my Mom, I got my first mammogram at age 35 and will continue to get one every year. What shocked me about all the statsistics is that most women who get breast cancer have NO family history. Of course I know that my risk is high.....but for those of you whose families are cancer free please don't ignore the importance of mammograms. My Mom's cancer was so small.....but they estimated it had been in her body for 5 years.....and she had had a mammogram for each of those 5 years. UGH!!!

on Sep 16, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by marya61 » 
Rose50: Your are in my prayers - my sister had BC and lucky for her and us it was stage 0 and she only needed radiation - she was just 50 at the time. Now 3 yrs later she's doing great.

I am due to have mine done, I had to have a biopsy done the last time , which turned out fine. I also have the thickning so they always seem to see something but I would rather have it checked than find out it is something later down the road.

on Oct 14, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm 23 and.. cancers of the female reproductive parts run in my family.. breast, cervical... and my mom and aunt have lumpy breasts.. I don't mean to sound like a perv.. but I don't do self exams my fiance does them... I'm a huge hypocondriac and think everything is a lump.. when should I start getting mammagrams?

on Feb 24, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

So...you don't have insurance...you get a free Mammogram and find something wrong, Where do you get treatment w/o insurance and once you are able to get insurance you are forever labeled with a pre-existing condition. You are doomed with high medical bills and a a depressing life of unpaid medical bills, bill collectors and your family sacrificing for years with the stress. Where do we go, the (used to be) middle class people that can't afford individual medical insurance, do not qualify for Medicaid, have no savings and live month to month? It is a scary thought, but I wonder if it is worth putting family through it all.

on Mar 06, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

This is such an important thing to do. I learned something interesting 2 years ago, when my Dad was diagnosed with breast cancer. A male relative DOUBLES your chances for breast, cancer, an even higher increase than if your have a female relative with diagnosis. Fortunately, my Dad's was caught very early, but it was a real wakeup call for myself and my sister.
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