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on Oct 06, 2007 (Read 5219 times | Comments: 21)
Any one else out there dealing with it or have dealt with it? DH and I have been trying for 3 years. We are working with a specialist. I have had many IUI. This month I hope to use drugs to help with ovulation and do an IUI.

on Dec 24, 2007 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi! I haven't been active on these boards, so this is the 1st time I've seen your message, but I wanted to wish you luck! We did 3 IUI's w/Clomid & 3 IUI's w/superovulation meds (injectibles) before moving on to the IVF that allowed us to conceive our almost-3-year-old daughter. However, both my husband & I have fertility issues, so IUI is especially tricky for us. We were preparing for another IUI back in August of this year when we were absolutely AMAZED to learn that we were expecting another baby-with no medical help whatsoever! I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant! If you have any questions or just want to chat, I've been through all of the testing, procedures (and even 2 pregnancy losses) so I can definitely understand some of what you're going through...though I like to let each person know that their own journey is different.

on Jan 17, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

You are not alone sweetie! My husband and I have been trying for over 2 years with no luck whatsoever. We have tried seeing specialists, clomid, and iuis. I hope you have better luck than we have had!

on Jan 17, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I haven't done a iui but I have been takeing clomid.

on Jan 18, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

my husband I did chlomid and artificial insemination 4 times. it worked twice with one miscarriage and then one birth. it turned out that my issue was insulin levels. so, my doctor put me on glucophage. when we tried to conceive our 2nd child, we just did glucophage and it worked. check with your doc if you have any issues with your insulin. for women with pcos, frequently its insulin problem. just a hint...good luck!

on Jan 18, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

My fiance and I have been dealing with this for almost 3 years as well. We recently have also went through two miscarriages (one of those being ectopic which hasn't resolved itself yet.) We're not sure what our next step is yet, still have to go to the follow-up meeting with the doctor.

Good luck Katharine, you're not alone in this struggle.

on Jan 23, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was told I could not have babies for unexplained reasons. So I gave up, I got tired of the disappointment and went into a depression. About 6 months after I stopped thinking about it and just letting things happen I found out I was pregnant WITH TWINS. I lost one of the twins but I did have a beautiful 10 pound babygirl! I want to have one more but it does not seem to be happening. I know how you all feel and wish EVERYONE good luck!

on Jan 25, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi, I'm new here, but my husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 3 yrs and this is my 8th cycle on Clomid now. I haven't tried IUI's or anything due to my insurance though. I definitely share your heartache. Good luck.

on Jan 27, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I haven't gone through it myself but, I just want to wish you the best of luck and I hope everything goes well for you!

on Jan 29, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi, I'm new here too. My husband and I have been trying for a little over 3 yrs. We've seen a specialist and there were no problems but no baby yet. Like others I haven't tried IUI's or anything else due to my insurance and I'm a sponsor so clomid and the like isn't covered either. I have 2 beautiful stepchildren, whom I love, but I want children of my own. I hope that doesn't sound too selfish. I know what you are going through and I pray you get the little one one you desire soon.

on Feb 01, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

It took my husband and I 4 years to have our first child. We finally resorted to using Clomid. I also needed to use Clomid to have our second child as well. My best friend has also had infertility issues. It's so much more common these days. My mom always used to tell me that when she and her friends/sisters wanted to have a baby they just did. (She really wasn't that supportive when I was having my issues!)
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