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  How Are You Goal-ing For It?


What are your thoughts about this Unboxed experience?
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on Mar 16, 2017 (Read 3245 times | Comments: 11)
What are you loving about this special edition #GoalForIt Unboxed experience? Is there anything you think we could improve upon? We'd love to know.

on Mar 21, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I thinks it's realky neat! I really appreciate the coffee to help us have a little me time to think about the goals we want to isolate and accomplish. I think the traditional jersey could have been more of an actual tracker in the way of being set up in a chart so we have something to mark of; I know I'm more motivated to actually mark an accomplishment as opposed to just /looking/ at it. But other thanvthat, I like the idea of having the big goal with the smaller step stone goals right there. Thank you for it!!!

on Mar 23, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think that the tracker is not so helpful visually as it was designed. But the coffee and sticky notes are really helping me stay focused. The pen is easy to write with, and I've been doing alot of that, since this was one of my goals. This program has helped me check in more on a daily basis to accomplish goals of various sizes.

on Apr 12, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

What are you loving about this special edition #GoalForIt Unboxed experience? I loved getting the #GoalForIt Unboxed box! It was fun sharing my goals with my readers and encouraging them to do the same. I loved that they could print off a tracker for themselves. I would be nice if it could be personalized more for each person. The post it notes were handy and helped with that process. The Zebra pen is a very smooth writer and I plan on buying more! I love coffee and it was fun including that with my posting on IG. Is there anything you think we could improve upon? It would be nice if the goal tracker could be personalized more. Thank you!

on Apr 13, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I thought the box was great. It had the coffee I need to start the day. I love Folgers. The pen and note pads were perfect to keep track of what I need to accomplish. The Zebra pen I use all the time, my son wants it to take to work but I won't give it up !! The motivation signs were perfect. I would put it in my (clutter) corner or my pantry that needed to be straighted out. Every time I would pass or open my pantry I would see the signs and that motivated me for sure. Nice box Thank You

on Apr 13, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

It was exciting to open my #GoalForIt Unboxed! I have gotten alot of use out of the zebra pen as I use it daily and the Folgers coffee goes perfectly with writing down what I'm grateful for. The note pads work great as I can stick the special ones on the freg and see them often to keep me motivated.

on Apr 13, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am really grateful that I get to be part of #GoalForIt Unboxed program. the coffee taste great and really helps me start my day in the right direction. The zebra pen writes smoothly and i love how it glides perfectly as I write my #GoalForIt for the day. I didnt realize how much i am going to enjoy it until i did it. It allows me to focus not only to myself but also how i am going to improve the day of those im around with. I like that i get to write one goal at a time and see if i can achieved it at the end of the day and it feels amazing knowing i DID it. I also enjoy seeing what others posted online as their goals and it sure motivates me as well. Thanks again for this wonderful experience!

on Apr 15, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

This experience has been wonderful! I am so thankful to have been a part of the #GoalForIt Unboxed Program. I have been using the zebra pen everyday and I love coffee, so that has really helped me to get my day going right. I have my goal tracker up in my room on the wall to be a constant reminder of what i want to accomplish this year.

on Apr 17, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I had to hide the pen because my kids wanted it for themselves and the sticky notes came in handy.

on Apr 18, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

This was great to get us motivated to accomplish our goals - some of which we hadn't even realized we had until we started writing them down. The sticky notes didn't stick for diddly, but otherwise this was a great set to keep us motivated. Delicious Folgers coffee, wonderful Zebra pen, and the impetus to keep track of long- and short-term goals were all we could ask for. thanks for the opportunity to participate!

on Apr 19, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love the experience, it gave me some accountability when I shared my goals across social media platforms . I liked the tracker, sort of like a mini goal board , I usually use an photo app for my visuals but writing things out did feel a bit more meaningful. The folgers coffee was a great start to my day, and 2nd and 3rd cup lol. The Zebra pen was of great quality , somehow whenever I pick it up I'm reminded that I have goals to stick to, it's like a way of associating it to the mission for me. Overall a positive experience with the box and just goes to show how simple things can help keep me on track. Thank you for the opportunity.
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