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Rude moms - what would you do?
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on Sep 30, 2016 (Read 4175 times | Comments: 12)
My son is 10 and loves baseball. At last week's game, he was pitching and not doing as well as he usually does. I then overheard a bunch of moms from the opposing team joking about my son - how much they were loving him because he was doing so badly that they could now win. My son was far enough away that he couldn't have heard them, but it still made me so angry. I didn't want to bring more attention to it so I didn't say anything to them, but I'm now regretting it.

What would you have done - would you have called out the other moms for being rude and inappropriate? Have you ever seen a case of bad sportsmanship... from parents?

on Oct 06, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think I would have said something back to the mom. Kids learn from adults and that is not a good example of a parent who makes fun of others. We as adults should know better and teach our kids right.

on Oct 06, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

This always makes me so sad. I'm sorry you had to deal with this. I do believe there is karma. Hopefully it will not be directed to the children like it was to your son. My son and daughter were in sports when they were younger and I heard people saying nasty comments about other children and had a hard time going to the games. My husband helped so we didn't hear so much about our children. Many times the couches son was seen crying because his dad was screaming at him. My dad took my brother out of sports because of this problem. Again I'm so sorry and shame on those parents.
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