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Rude moms - what would you do?
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on Sep 30, 2016 (Read 4174 times | Comments: 12)
My son is 10 and loves baseball. At last week's game, he was pitching and not doing as well as he usually does. I then overheard a bunch of moms from the opposing team joking about my son - how much they were loving him because he was doing so badly that they could now win. My son was far enough away that he couldn't have heard them, but it still made me so angry. I didn't want to bring more attention to it so I didn't say anything to them, but I'm now regretting it.

What would you have done - would you have called out the other moms for being rude and inappropriate? Have you ever seen a case of bad sportsmanship... from parents?

on Oct 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I play "dirty pool" and I would have just sat back & waited until their kids came up to bat and turn the tables on them. If they said anything, I would say, I'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine! I would also remind them of good sportsmanship & if you don't have something nice to say, say NOTHING at all!

on Oct 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Fortunately I haven't seen this before. And I honestly don't know what I would have done. There really needs to be rules against this sort of behavior. Parents are the root of the majority of bad behavior. If they are making fun of someone, more than likely, so will their children. The cycle needs to end. Officials need to be made aware of this and the parents either need to be fined or removed from the game. Otherwise the guilty parents are promoting bullying and preventing kids from wanting to participate in something that would be beneficial for them.

on Oct 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Oh gosh! As a mom of a baseball, soccer, and basketball player, I have witnessed more unsportsmanlike behavior from parents than I have from the kids. It's unnecessary and inappropriate to talk about another mother's child. Especially this mother's child! I would have waited until the game was over and spoken with the opposing team's coach about the behavior of his player's parents. On just about every team we have been on, the coaches make it a point to express concern about behaving in this manner and prohibiting this type of conduct. I understand that emotions can go awry in the heat of a game but think about how it would affect your child (and the other mother's child) if you were to respond to this mom's comments. Don't brink yourself down to her level, imagine the criticism her children get if she can so freely talk about another child. Now, I have had words with a Dad from another team because he screamed the F word when his team would miss a play!!

on Oct 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Parents are meaner than their kid when it comes to sports these days. Though its hard to bite your tongue, probably the best way to handle it. Adults who criticize kids are disgusting. Sorry you had to sit there and listen to their garbage.

on Oct 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

My son was on a little league team when he was younger and he wasn't very good when batting. During one game I over heard one mom say to another mom that my son should be benched because he was such a terrible player. I didn't want my son to know what was said so before he got off of the field I went over to the mom and told her that she was rude and had no business saying bad things about my child. I also told her if if I found out she said anything else that I would tell the coach about how she spoke about him. She was shocked but apologized to me. As angry as I was I still kept my cool but she could tell how upset I was.

on Oct 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't have children, but if I did, I would not want them to play sports. In this day and age, kids and parents are both very rude and obnoxious and I would not want my child exposed to that.

on Oct 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Not all teams/coaches/parents/players are like that. Our kids get so much more from sports than you may realize. It helps build character. My son learns how to be a team player, how to be a leader, a follower, a goal setter, he learns that it is okay to make mistakes and how to work hard to achieve goals. He learns how to deal with pressure and success, how to take responsibility for himself, and sooo much more.

on Oct 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

It is hard not to stick up for your child. I probably would just tell her that not everyone is fantastic and that she should be encouraging rather than shouting bad remarks to a child.

on Oct 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Honestly, I'm not shocked. Sometimes, the parents run their mouths more than the kids. We wonder why so much bullying is going on. I would've called them out for bullying a child.

on Oct 06, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

This is so sad. What I would have done is called those moms aside, with the coach and nicely tell them off. This is how kids get mean, by learning from their parents.
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