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Do you discuss who you are voting for? Tell us & enter our Giveaway!
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on Sep 20, 2016 (Read 168636 times | Comments: 181)
Do you tell friends and family who you are voting for? How do you feel when a friend or family member tells you they are voting for a different candidate? What have you said or done?

Everyone who participates in one of our presidential politics discussions will be entered for the chance to win one of four $25 Visa gift cards. Giveaway is open through October 9th, 2016 to U.S. residents at least 18 years of age.

on Sep 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think most of the people I know are vocal about the who and why. Doesn't bother me to hear, if people are current with their information and have facts. Random ramblings, not so much.

on Sep 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't talk to friends or family about who I'm voting for, but my husband's side of the family does. I usually don't mind if people have different opinions, but some of the things they post are slightly hurtful since I'm from a different nationality. None of them have truly connected the two, or considered that it might be disrespectful to me. So I prefer to stay out of any politics talk, except for my husband. As I said I usually don't comment or continue their social posting conversations, but if the subject came up in person; I would probably ask them to consider my position and abstain any talk about politics. As far as my friends we usually don't even bring the subject up, we don't see each other often so it's not a major topic to immediately talk about or at all.

on Sep 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was all for Bernie Sanders and will say it proudly! I'm devastated that the DNC pushed him out of the race. I speak openly about politics a lot, which drives my father, a Trump fan, crazy. I have no idea who I will be voting for this election. A week or so ago, Stein had a warrant out for her arrest. Clinton illegally conducted business on an un-approved server and her running mate has a bad voting history, including voting against abortion rights. Trump is a racist bigot who seems amused by his own slander. And Johnson has an un-ideal public spending plan. If people feel strongly about one candidate, I'll make sure that they really know their candidate and have done their research. Numbers CAN lie. Think of a graph. If only a certain slice of the graph is shown, it can portray a false idea and a false notion of the data. We must be mindful of where out info comes from and whether or not we can trust it this election.

on Sep 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've talked to a few people but mostly just keep quiet about it.

on Sep 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Yes, I'm very open about it. I don't say anything derogatory about their Candidate. Everyone is entitled to their opinion

on Sep 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

All of my friends are voting for the same candidate as I am, so I don't mind sharing that info. I don't know anyone who is voting for the candidate who has been nothing but a reality TV star.

on Sep 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I do tell my friends and family even if we don't agree. It is hard when I think they are wrong, but they are entitled to their opinion. I tried to talk to more people before the primaries, but now it is just so tense to talk about.

on Sep 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Yes. If you are willing to vote for a candidate you should be able to defend your reasons why when asked.

on Sep 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Everyone tells me who they are voting for, because I'm well-versed in the political sphere and am open-minded. I offer my two cents and try to keep up to date on topics across the board so that family members & friends can continue to share their political opinions with me without fear of being reprimanded.

on Sep 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thank you for participating - our members are so dynamic! Keep the comments coming please!
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