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Do you discuss who you are voting for? Tell us & enter our Giveaway!
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on Sep 20, 2016 (Read 168673 times | Comments: 181)
Do you tell friends and family who you are voting for? How do you feel when a friend or family member tells you they are voting for a different candidate? What have you said or done?

Everyone who participates in one of our presidential politics discussions will be entered for the chance to win one of four $25 Visa gift cards. Giveaway is open through October 9th, 2016 to U.S. residents at least 18 years of age.

on Oct 08, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

This I believe is a very personal choice and I learned from my father years ago that you never ask and you never tell. We had political, philosophical and ethical discussions around our dinner table. Dad liked to make us think for ourselves and that meant learning all about a topic on our own, not taking someone else's viewpoint as gospel. "G od gave you a brain, use it." I have been married now for 30 years and my husband has never known how I vote. He can guess all he likes and believe me he likes to try!

on Oct 08, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I dont tell anyone because some people get into a big ordeal over it and i dont care to hear all of that

on Oct 08, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Usually I ask them if they read Hillary's America or why they are voting how they are?

on Oct 08, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've discussed who I'm voting for with my family and boyfriend on occasion. If they are voting for someone else, I don't feel angry or argumentative, I'll just ask for their opinion on why they think they would be a better candidate for President.

on Oct 09, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I discuss who I'm voting for with my family. They often disagree but we have many debates on the topic,which I absolutely love! There's no better way for me to learn and see both sides of things than a civil debate and discussion! I don't usually say who I'm voting for to others because of how touchy the subject can be, BUT I'll never hold my tongue in any company when it's about an issue that means a lot to me. I just make sure I'm well educated on it and that it's important to me before I debate it with people I don't know well.

on Oct 09, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Yes, everyone who knows me , also knows my opinion on the subject

on Nov 02, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

No politics happy family!

on Nov 10, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I usually do not discuss politics, but with this election I have told people that I voted for Hillary.

on Nov 16, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've learned a hard lesson on telling others who I vote for. Im not ashamed its just that Im tired of feeling that pit in my stomach when they react in a negative manner to me.

on Nov 16, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I do tell certain people who I vote for, in some elections. When Barrack first ran I did not vote for him. The second time I did. This stuff about the medical skyrocketing is bull. It takes 1 person 1 post or 1 disagree to set people off if they do not want something or like an idea. So this time I spoke out loud on who should be in office. ! mistake and a woman be thrown to the dogs. A man can make a million and they give him the highest office. It is so F@#$ed up.
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