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18 weeks pregnant with first baby, any advice?
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on Jul 29, 2015 (Read 17094 times | Comments: 28)
Hi! I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with my first child. Its exciting but a little nerve wracking. Any advice on how to save up or tips on surviving while on maternity leave?

on Oct 14, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Remember to do what feels right for you and your baby. There will be all kinds of advice out there and do take some into consideration but when you're up to bat, you'll just know :) As far as saving money, if you have a Kroger type store near you check out krogerkrazy.com. She posts all the great sales at the kroger and kroger brand stores as well as their coupon matchups. It's super easy to get stocked up on little things like toothpaste and shampoo for very very cheap. Also, I use target brand diapers. I've tried pampers, luvs, etc and I've found I really love target Up and Up diapers. They do excellent deals on them. If you go at the right time, Target does sales on all brands of diapers buy two and get a gift card- that can help stocking up ahead of time. Oh, and don't forget to buy newborn diapers. lol. I didn't know they existed! So many people gifted us size 1 and 2 diapers so we figured we were covered and then we had the baby and were like whattt! rookie mistake :)

on Oct 15, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would say first of all, CHERISH this time you are pregnant. Try not to worry about what can go wrong and look forward to the wonderful changes coming in your life. You will find love for your child that you never thought could have existed. When my first son was born, we were so worried about me not working and not getting paid on maternity leave and I was even going to shorten my leave. One suggestion I have is to see if your work would allow you to spend some time doing work remote (if your job would lend itself to that). My companies allowed it when I asked. Another suggestion is to register for practical things for your baby shower. Diapers, onesies, wipes, toiletries, and all the necessities. It's super fun to get a cute little boys suit or dress for a girl but you change their outfit so often, the onesies are the thing! Use coupons! Also look into BlogHer and other opportunities to earn some extra money on the side doing social media promotions.

on Nov 03, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Welcome to the wonderful world of motherhood. As a first time mom to a now one year old here is my advice.. Get yourself a baby carrier ( Tula, Beco, Lilliebaby etc). they make sleepless nights so much easier and allow you to snuggle baby and be hands free. Remember that no one is perfect and EVERY mother out there has doubts about herself. It is okay to feel like you have no idea what you are doing.. well because you don't but you WILL. You were made to do this. RESEARCH everything and go with your gut. Do not be bullied by family or doctors have birth your way and love it because having a baby is so much more than just making a baby, you are making a mother too. Best wishes to you

on Nov 03, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Congrats! While on Maternity leave, my suggestion would be to get as much rest as you can. Take your time with everything and try not to over work yourself. Don't go out buying everything until after your baby shower. Diapers are needed, but you don't have to buy the most expensive brand. I find that the walmart brand (parents choice) works pretty good. With my first child I spent boat loads of money on name brand diapers, clothing, bottles, etc. WIth my second child I knew better. Name brand doesn't always mean better, don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you that. Also, it doesn't hurt to look in places like goodwill or salvation army, just make sure you give toys a good scrub down/sanitation and of course wash the clothes (new and used) before putting them on the baby.

on Nov 05, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Use birth control next time

on Nov 09, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm 18 weeks pregnant with my fourth and it's always a bit scary. Research cloth diapers. It has saved us thousands and I find it to be cleaner, less stinky and less disgusting than diaposables. Always remember that your baby really only NEEDS a few things...love, food, clothing, shelter, and something covering it's tush. Try not to get overwhelmed, although it can happen easily. Whatever decision you make will be the right one of you've done your "research" and you're doing what's best for you and baby. Good luck! !!!

on Nov 11, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Get as much sleep as possible because you won't sleep much for the next 18-21 years...I'm just kidding. I did learn that when I was at the hospital after I had my son, one of the nurses asked me if I wanted her to take him to the nursery so I could sleep. I told her no...not a smart idea. That would have been my last full night of sleep I got for 15 months. I don't want this to scare you, my friends (all of them) had babies that sleep 5-8 hrs from the first week, my son just didn't like to eat much so he woke us up every two hours. I made a deal with my then husband that we would take opposite nights and it helped. I also found out that you can never have enough burp cloths. Also, bring two sizes of baby cloths to the hospital since you can not be sure what will fit right especially for the babies first pictures. Sign up for as many freebie sites as possible. Enfamil and Pampers. You can get free things now and later including a bag full of stuff at the hospital.

on Nov 16, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am 33 weeks and my best advice is to start a baby registry online and use there tools to help make a list of everything you want and will need! I used Walmart.com and Target.com! Then, of course, share it with others but start buying the stuff off of it on your own as much as you can! At least try to buy one thing per paycheck if you can because if you put it off too long it will cause you a lot of stress towards the end ( like i did ugh!) I started with the most expensive and most needed stuff first that I assumed no one would help me with (crib, crib bedding, car seat, stroller, bouncer) but if you have someone to help you with those than I would buy as many small things you can in one shopping trip until you have everything you need then work on the things you just want! It seems like a lot of stuff and a big task but once you start visually seeing your progress it makes you feel a lot better and it becomes something fun to do!
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