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Books vs Movies
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on Jul 06, 2015 (Read 4505 times | Comments: 11)
I have always heard that books are better than movies. I don't read alot of books, just too time consuming for me. But I did read 50 shades as I'm sure most of you did.... ha ha. I saw the movie a few weeks ago and boy was I disappointed. I guess it's true, books are better. This movie left out so many details, I was very disappointed. It's not even about the xxx, just overall details, they left out so many. I say if you can't cover enough, go another hour or don't do the movie at all, to leave out so much just messed it up.... IMO!

on Jul 06, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I read 50 Shades but didn't see the movie. I find that in general, movies can't cover everything that books cover, but sometimes I love a good adaptation. Gone Girl is an example of a good one. Did you see that?

on Aug 25, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm a very visual person so I always want to see something on screen. It may be true that books are better than movies because there is so much more room to be creative and not hold any emotions back. Since we have to work hard and use the descriptive nature of a books words to help us relate to characters, our own imagination usually blends with the writers to make the stories more real to us. We create our own images of those characters and ultimately the story may appear to be better to us in written form.

on Aug 26, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just watched Disney's In The Woods Movie for the first time. I can honestly say that I was not disappointed. The story seem to begin anew after the Prince finally married his bride and the adventures that happened along the way help to retell the Fairy Tales that I grew up reading. I was kind of sorry that the writers didn't put a spin on the movie and include some well known African Americans somehow but I guess being true to the originals really helps to preserve the classics. I will say, it made me thankful that there is such a thing called Urbanmoviechannel.com Overall, I loved it so much and would love to share "In The Woods" with my Great Niece and Nephews. They would love it.

on Sep 01, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

This is a very opinionated topic that is really just based on a persons preference. A lot of people do not enjoy reading, therefore those individuals will always say that movies are better. One could argue that is because they never give the books a chance. Personally, I love reading and watching movies but there are definitely still times when I wish more had been included. Yes there is always details left out but if you notice, it usually says "based on the novel" not "following every line of the book". It is disappointing to people who love the book because they love it for a reason and they, whether they want to or not, usually set standards for the movies.

on Sep 04, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Love the scarf trend! I have a great collection of them. Not a big fan of the wide-leg pants. I do like the high-waist type. I bet a faux-fur scarf would be warm and cozy for the winter.

on Sep 04, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love to read. However, I find that some books do not translate well to film. In the film you aren't aware of what the character is thinking and feeling. With some visuals, your imagination is much better than film interpretations.

on Sep 18, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I prefer books over movies anytime. Books are more informative in my opinion. In a movie skips important parts of the dialogue due to the time frame and movies also add certain special effects that make the plot unbelievable at times.

on Sep 19, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Books! read a Stephen King book then watch the movie version-you'll see how great the difference can be between the two.

on Oct 06, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have found that the book is almost always better than the movie because there is usually more details in the book. Sometimes the movie is so different from the book that it would be hard to recognize if you didn't know what it was. The movie Seventh Son was nothing like the book series. All of the characters seemed to be mixed up and the story was very different. It didn't even seem like the books at all.

on Dec 27, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would like to go for movie only.
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