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Ipsy glam bags subscription!
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on Jun 25, 2015 (Read 343383 times | Comments: 81)
Hello ladies, curious to know if any of you are currently subscribed to Ipsy's glam bag program. If so, please give me so input on it. I was wondering how many full size makeup products you recieve as compared to smaller sample/travel sizes? Is it worth the $10.00 fee every month? Do you ever recieve the same product twice, like one mascara in june and the same one in october? Fair vs. Light? I'm usually under the category of "ivory or fair/light" so i really don't know what to choose. I don't want to pick the wrong color. They'll keep sending you your glam bags untill you cancel, like years of new different products? If any of you could shed some light on any of these questions it'd be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!:)! Tami

on Jun 28, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have subscribed, but cancelled. I think that they have a waiting list just to build up hype to make their subscription look better than it actually is. I love Birchbox. The boxes are great and they have great customer service. I didn't enjoy the products in my Ipsy as much.

on Jun 29, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was suscribed to Ipsy for a couple of months and it was okay, not my favorite subscription service. In the time I was subscribed I believe I only received 1 full size product, it was a shimmery bronzer from the brand Pop Beauty. All of my other items were always sample size, but I'd say the sample sizes can usually be somewhat generous, depending on the product. If you are wanting more full size products I wouldn't necessarily recommend Ipsy, however if you are okay with more deluze sample sizes then you might really enjoy it. Keep in mind I can't speak for how Ipsy is right now, I can only say how Ipsy was back when I tried it a couple of months ago. With that said, it was a love/hate relationship for me because I would only like 1 or 2 of my items each month. It is sorta worth $10 because you get to try many makeup brands, and get a cute bag each month, but I didn't love it. For the skintone selection, it all depends on how fair you are, what is your current foundation shade?

on Jun 30, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I currently subscribe to Ipsy. I am not totally thrilled with the products I receive. When you join, you fill out a page about your skin tone, hair color, products you would like to try, etc. I always receive items that are not anywhere close to what I use or would like to try. Most of the time the colors are all wrong for me. I think Ipsy is the lowest priced beauty subscription, so for the price it's not too bad.

on Jun 30, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by selinakylexo » 
I was suscribed to Ipsy for a couple of months and it was okay, not my favorite subscription service. In the time I was subscribed I believe I only received 1 full size product, it was a shimmery bronzer from the brand Pop Beauty. All of my other items were always sample size, but I'd say the sample sizes can usually be somewhat generous, depending on the product. If you are wanting more full size products I wouldn't necessarily recommend Ipsy, however if you are okay with more deluze sample sizes then you might really enjoy it. Keep in mind I can't speak for how Ipsy is right now, I can only say how Ipsy was back when I tried it a couple of months ago. With that said, it was a love/hate relationship for me because I would only like 1 or 2 of my items each month. It is sorta worth $10 because you get to try many makeup brands, and get a cute bag each month, but I didn't love it. For the skintone selection, it all depends on how fair you are, what is your current foundation shade?

selinakylexo, Thanks for the response! I usually use the first few shades of ivory, which is usually the first 2-3 shades in line at your typical drugstores foundation section. I've also had success using a liquid foundation with the name "fair/light." I know that the beauty quiz they have you take gives you the option of fair seperate from light, and i also know that recieving the wrong color in my glam bag would be a pain and i'd rather pick the right color the first time! :) thanks again!

on Jun 30, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thank's so much for the usefull opinions on ipsys subscription girls! From what i've gathered i should probably just try it and if it doesn't seem to be the right subscription for me i'll cancel. I will update this post when i recieve my first bag and share my thoughts!

on Jun 30, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by princesspam » 
I currently subscribe to Ipsy. I am not totally thrilled with the products I receive. When you join, you fill out a page about your skin tone, hair color, products you would like to try, etc. I always receive items that are not anywhere close to what I use or would like to try. Most of the time the colors are all wrong for me. I think Ipsy is the lowest priced beauty subscription, so for the price it's not too bad.

Princesspam, That is exactly what i would be worried about, i mean for $10 a mo. it isn't terrible to receive some off items for your taste, but if it turns into a reoccurring pattern i could see myself getting discouraged with the service. Out of curiosity, are the colors you are unhappy with too bright /bold for your liking? Or vice versa?

on Jun 30, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Well, for instance the eyeliners that I have received have been purple and teal. Some people may like this, but it's not really for me. Also, I received a bright pink lip tint. Yikes! Overall, I have used about half of the items sent to me. I have received 2 great makeup brushes, a great tinted CC cream, a nice lip gloss, and other decent products.

on Jun 30, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I tried Ipsy and i like Birch Box better

on Jul 01, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by princesspam » 
Well, for instance the eyeliners that I have received have been purple and teal. Some people may like this, but it's not really for me. Also, I received a bright pink lip tint. Yikes! Overall, I have used about half of the items sent to me. I have received 2 great makeup brushes, a great tinted CC cream, a nice lip gloss, and other decent products.

I see, i would have to say i'm on the same boat with you on that one. I would definatley just add those to my collection and they'd probably never be used. I'd prefer more everyday wearable tones. Well about half isn't too bad! I was honestly expecting you to say less than that. Ooh nice! I'm a brush junkie and hope that i'll get atleast one or two of those in my bags. :) Well that's honestly very helpful info princesspam! You've definatley encouraged me to give it a shot and see how it works out. Can i ask you, do you know if you can go back and edit your quiz information any way? Or are you stuck with what you originally chose?

on Jul 01, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by Ked7350 » 
I tried Ipsy and i like Birch Box better

ked7350, Would you say birch box is just as make-up focused as Ipsy is? How many and what sorts products do you receive? Thanks!
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