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Potty Training 2y/o Boy before Baby comes
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on Mar 03, 2015 (Read 2648 times | Comments: 12)
I am due in the beginning of August. My son will be 3 y/o on July 1st. How can I get him potty trained before the baby gets here? I know that most people say that boys normally potty train AFTER they turn 3 y/o.... but I need it to be done sooner than later LOL Any tips and tricks will be very helpful :)

on Mar 10, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »


on Mar 10, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Honestly? Nope. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I have yet to hear of a method that has truly worked. I thought mine was going to be the first kid in college and still in diapers! (I am Not kidding) I've heard where people have tried methods though and have said they worked, but I honestly believe that in truth, their child just simply decided that they were ready to forgo that comfy cloth. I strongly suggest to save yourself the stress and frustration (which I'll bet you have plenty of right now, with another baby due very shortly!) Honestly though, save yourself any undue stress and simply enjoy this point in time that you're at now. It really won't be that much more trouble to change one more babe than two So, the grandest tip of all? Relax and enjoy these precious moments in your life :)

on Mar 10, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

lol sorry for the "test" post, I was trying to figure out why the last post would not post. I guess it was because of a heart that I had emoted

on Mar 31, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm still working on potty training my 3 y/o boy. We started the process last summer before our baby was due in September and are still working on it. Good luck!

on Apr 06, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi , I have two boys , one is 7 the problem child is 2 ! Lol I kid you not , my first son was potty trained at 15 months . He peed on himself once and did the other thing once and he was done . Never did it again . I put him on the potty every hour on the hour and he stayed there until he did something . It was so easy with him . The monster has really put my method to the test . I'm doing good if I can get him to sit on the potty 4 times a day ! He is tough . But he knows what to do because sometimes he will tell me he has to go and sometimes he will just get on by himself . I have been sticking to every hour with him lately no matter how loudly he yells ... NOOOOOOOOOO I just give him a snack or a Vtech , or put in a Blues Clues VHS (yes VHS) to keep his butt on the seat .

on Apr 15, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Did you know parenting is done on the child's schedule and not yours? Did you know convenience is not the virtue, but patience? Did you know it will be a downhill journey when he is ready? Did you know he is stressed with anticipation on the arrival of the baby and probably cannot focus on potty training? Please let him be. When the baby comes and you diaper the infant, he will probably accept potty training as the big boy.

on Apr 16, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just had a baby last July shes be one this year. My son just turned three in December, I was in the same boat as you, I was stressing, I started taken him every hour on the hour. I did a sticker chart printed it from on line the potty charting websites. In the beginning he wanted nothing to do with this at all. But if you keep pusing him on the potty every hour on the hour it really works, read a book to him while he is sitting there!!!

on Apr 27, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a firm believer that how long it takes to pottytrain a child depends on the parent way more than the child. The quickest way to pottytrain is the 3 day method, but you better be ready because it sucks. And if you follow it to the letter, it "should" work. I say should, because there are kids that just aren't ready no matter what you do. That being said, it's worth a try. An important question though is why you want them pottytrained before your new baby comes. I only ask because I felt that way too with my first. He was only 20 months though when his little brother was born but the thought of two babies in diapers made twitch. Now that my youngest is 2 1/2 and pottytraining I think diapers are so much easier. :) I have some pottytraining posts on my blog theuncoordinatedmommy.com :) Shoot me an email if you have any other questions!

on May 01, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

My son who is 6 years old, he was not fully potty trained till his was 4 years old. I had just started putting him on the potty and he would do the #2 fine. But it took a while to get him to pee in the potty. Some people have said that to teach them to pee sitting down on the potty. But it was easier for me to teach him to pee standing up. But they that boys are harder to potty train. So, you just have to keep working with him and when he is really he will go.

on May 02, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Consistency and patience are key. In the beginning I put my son on the potty every 30 min until he went and then once an hour. I gave him a little treat when he went , but never got upset over accidents. I would advise against pull ups. They really hinder the process. Let him get a wet pair of underwear, he won't like the feeling.Good luck!
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