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Have you considered menstrual cups?
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on Feb 20, 2015 (Read 8995 times | Comments: 27)
One of the most eco-friendly options for a woman with monthly visits, have you considered or tried menstrual cups?

on Apr 10, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

There is a small learning curve just like using tampons. To insert is all about finding the right fold method and releasing is about pushing and bearing down. Going number 2 will not release it alone, you have to reach in and release the suction too. There are a lot of youtube videos about them if you are interested in different models and what they all look like and size differences. Here is a link to one that helped me pick my cup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cny51r22rHQ

on Apr 12, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I never tried them was curious about how to use them so thanks for info. I'll look into it

on Apr 12, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I read up on them before and I ended up liking the idea cause I save a lot of money on pads or tampons so i decided to get one that offers a small and a large cup size. I currently love them. though I am still a little AUGH about the mess factor, and how long it takes me to insert them sometimes cause i still haven't found my favorite "fold" yet (so far I think I like the "7-fold instead of the punch in fold). on heavy days I switch on/off between these and sometimes just wear tampons depending on time and convenience, on the lighter days I just wear the cup since I can leave it in there for almost half the day without worry. the only thing i heard people complain about it is that they smell after a while, but then its because you either leave it in too long or you didn't sanitize it well. I had mine for a year now, no smell, no discoloration, still works great.

on Apr 12, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to try menstrual cups in the future as they just seem to look like theyre more natural for the body, unfortunately im so overweight right now that itd be nearly impossible for me to insert or remove them. :( working on a better future though

on Jun 22, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm really interested in trying the cup because it seems so much healthier. I'm just hesitant because I have heavy periods and I don't want to worry about leakage.

on Jun 22, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

The Diva cup is THE BEST for heavy periods I think. It holds 1oz which I think I read is double what the highest tampon out there holds.

on Jun 22, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Maybe I should give it a try then! Thanks for the information!!
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