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Have you considered menstrual cups?
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on Feb 20, 2015 (Read 8998 times | Comments: 27)
One of the most eco-friendly options for a woman with monthly visits, have you considered or tried menstrual cups?

on Feb 20, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Actually I have, I used to use the Instead Menstrual Cups, they look like and you insert them like a diaphragm used for birth control! For me they worked really well and when properly inserted you can't feel them which is a major bonus! I got sick of buying tampons and pads because I had very heavy flows and would go through them like they were going out of style! I had seen a commercial on TV and decided to try them (this was years ago) For me, the only draw back was if I had to change them and I was at work it was really messy! I mostly used them at home or if I was going somewhere and would just be there for shorter than 6hrs at a time! Instead also said you can use them for that time of month if you want to be intimate with someone, I tested that theory out and my husband didn't even know I was wearing it, I can't say that for other Menstrual Cups though because I haven't tried other ones! Hope this helps with you question :D

on Feb 27, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

What is a menstrual cup? I'm gonna Google it but I've heard an awful lot about them lately for some reason!!!

on Feb 27, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Ok, I Googled it! I really don't know about them though!!! Sounds awfully messy to me!!!

on Feb 28, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have not use them, there is a bit of a scare factor for me. Like taboo LOL. I mainly stick to pads never really even tried tampons something about inserting it into myself while on menstrual cycle again and ick factor. sorry I know this doesn't help you, I hope that if you do try to write a review about it.

on Feb 28, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Like KayleeM I tried them decades ago. They were only one size and that was a bit big for me. I used contraceptive diaphragms & the cup was about 1/2" bigger than my prescription. That doesn't sound like a lot, but it was a huge difference getting it in & unlike my fitted diaphragm, I could feel it when it was in place. It was not painful (after all, there are no nerve endings in the vagina); it was kinda like wearing pantyhose -- I don't notice the waistband cutting in but when I take it off, I definitely feel the absence of pressure. Yes, they can be messy to change, on a heavy day, they can be a slippery dickens. But unlike tampons and pads, it can't get too full. You can just leave it in until you're home or somewhere you can undress (to avoid spilling on your clothes) & have a shower to clean up. I stopped using them simply because they were taken off the market. I vaguely recall a scare (unfounded), that cups could cause Toxic Shock Syndrome).

on Mar 03, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Yes, I feel it may be a cost efficient alternative. I also consider that I can sometimes bleed really heavy. I'm on the fence.

on Mar 12, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use one and love it. I got a Ladycup purple on amazon. They no longer stock them, but their are many others available. I can't use tampons they give me yeast infections. Pads always made me self conscious on heavy days. I tried the Instead cups first but didn't like the removal method. The cups don't go in as far and after the third cycle I was pretty much an expert in insertion and removal. I love that it doesn't leak and I can go all day and go home to remove and wash it out. I've only washed it out in public bathrooms twice and was a little fearful someone would walk in and be freaked out by it. My husbands first reaction was comical...what kinda toy is that?!

on Mar 16, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've had a Diva cup for a few years. Love it!

on Mar 16, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I"m going to try it

on Mar 17, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Cups are amazing! You can go green and save your money and the planet and your lady parts from unwanted chemicals. They also help alleviate cramps since there are no foreign chemicals infiltrating your body via pads or tampons. You can read my reviews, I have tried a few of them. http://www.mamapapabarn.com/p/products-for-women-and-girls.html
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