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Cat ot dog
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on Oct 20, 2014 (Read 145231 times | Comments: 100)
Do you prefer a dog or a cat as a pet and why?

on Jan 22, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have both cats and dogs. I have 4 cats and 2 dogs. The dogs need more attention and sometime a pain in the butt. The cats are more relaxed. I have one cat, his name is Sammie and he comes running when I call his name and gives me kisses. I think that is cool. I love all my animals and I know they love me back. They are all attached to me, sometimes it can be overwhelming. My hubby laughs cause he says I spoil them that's why. I cant help, but they are like all my babies. I guess if I had to choose between cats n dogs, I would go with dogs. I can take them for walks, beach, ride in the car n lot more (I guess).

on Jan 23, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love them both cats and dogs, but currently have 2 rescue kittens, brother and sister, 6 months old. The cats are a bit easier to care for as they can be left alone (with a radio on, of course!) for a longer time than a dogs. Of course, at times they cause havoc that can far surpass a dog's mischievous behaviors! Think curtains pulled off the rods, furniture clawed to shreds, and other unexpected surprises!

on Jan 23, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've had at least one cat or more most of my life so I prefer them. I like to watch them and it's comforting to pet them and hear them purr. All of the cats we have now are rescue cats. They all have their own different personalities too. We've only had a couple of dogs for a short period of time when our kids were young. One lovely lab dog just wouldn't stay in our back yard but wanted to roam the neighborhood. She found a new home in the county. We had to give up the other dog because we were moving to another state and couldn't take it with us -- he was with us only a short time.

on Jan 26, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Definitely cats! I don't have the time or space (I live in a 1 bedroom apartment) that a dog needs. I love my "cat baby" :)

on Feb 06, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I enjoy both

on Feb 06, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I prefer dogs! Cats can be crazy and most of my family members are allergic. Plus dogs are better for cuddling up with and taking on long walks.

on Feb 07, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have both but if I HAD to choose, it would definitely be my dog, Larry!!! He cuddles with me, plays with me, listens to me, etc. He is my best friend & just like a child to me!!!! My cats tend to do their own thing & come for lovin' when THEY choose to!!!!

on Feb 13, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Cat. I have 6 of them and 4 of them found me. They don't require a lot of attion and I can leave them for a few days without worrying if my house will be in one piece when I come back.

on Feb 13, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Cats! They don't require as much attention as dogs but definitely provide you with so much joy and humor in your life. My cats keep me entertained but also know to just leave me alone.

on Feb 13, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I prefer dogs over cats. I've had a cat and don't like them walking on the counter tops & sneaking up on me! Mine used to attack my ankles from out of nowhere! We currently have a small dog, having down-sized from our previous 2. I can't imagine life w/o a dog, but ours' separation anxiety makes it hard to leave home.
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