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Cat ot dog
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on Oct 20, 2014 (Read 145219 times | Comments: 100)
Do you prefer a dog or a cat as a pet and why?

on Nov 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Not sure I can pick anymore! I've always had cats but got my first dog with my husband after we got married four years ago. Cats are definitely much easier to take care of, but our dog is a better companion for me when my husband is gone so that I don't feel lonely.

on Nov 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

i prefer a dog. they are lovable, cute, give the sad eyes.

on Nov 08, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love all animals also, but my life permits me to become foster family to cats as we live in a big city. And I don't believe it would be fair for to dogs because they would love a more country environment so be a to run & play. So as long as I know all animals are being care for that gives my life a better feeling. :)

on Nov 08, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

There's no doubt.... I choose BOTH!🐶🐱

on Nov 08, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

There's no doubt.... I choose BOTH!🐶🐱

on Nov 12, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Cat ...In most case they dont have to have as much attention as a dog But you have to clean the litter box unless the cat goes outside Both have good and bad Just my opinion based on my experiences My cats basically do their own thing However, my dog is always doing something or wanting in my lap... Aggravating at times. Plus i never had a cat tear up things but plenty of dogs chewing up clothes, cords, and anything they can get their mouth on

on Nov 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Another opinion here regarding above....I have had cats do more damage in my home than any of my dogs ever did. I had to pay the extra money to get my cats declawed but that was after they destroyed my furniture, curtains, bedding and more. I DID have scratching posts for my cats too but they chose where they wanted to scratch because they were cats! I never ever had a dog that chewed anything in my home because I made sure all of them had chew toys and things to keep busy with and were trained properly. So like my last opinion and this one, there are many different reasons why cats and/or dogs are our best friends.

on Nov 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Our dog was properly trained and has toys both chew and nonchew to play with. But still she chews up things not near as much as when she was younger. My cats did try to paw at the furniture. But with training that no longer do now. They use their post. Both cats and dogs have pros and con's Its really just ones preference smd based on the animals personalities

on Nov 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree that cats and dogs can be trained but you hit the nail on the head when you said personalities differ because that is so true. We have had rescue dogs and purebred dogs and many different type of cats over many years and just like people the personalities of each one was amazing!

on Nov 15, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Cats are cool to watch because they do really weird things and sit in weird places, but overall I prefer dogs. They are just more secure and comforting. I don't like the independence of a cat, I like the neediness of a dog. I just like having someone eager to see me and willing to play.
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