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Aveda Naturally Straight
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on Sep 19, 2014 (Read 35374 times | Comments: 33)
Anyone else trying the Aveda Naturally Straight hair products? Just curious what the results are so far for some!!

on Oct 08, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I never heard of it, but definitely going to look into it.

on Oct 15, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have natural 4a hair that is mid back length straightened. I was eager to see the results. I washed with Sauve keratin shampoo and conditioner. The smell of the Aveda was absolutely wonderful. I don't usually like lingering scents. I looked like Diana Ross after the blow out with my fhi dryer. My fhi flat iron straightening seemed fine but on finish saw a lot of puffy frizz. Perhaps I needed a trim? The whole head never laid flat anywhere close to a relaxer look. I naturally have a very full dense amount of hair. I tried it 3 times in 1.5 week time and my hair always went back to curly after washing. Thank goodness cuz I do love my curls.

on Oct 17, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Looks to me like the results are not too good on this "innovative" newer Aveda Naturally Straight product. I have posted a few results here myself and even after giving it another chance for 4 more tries there is not any difference in my hair staying any straighter than when I didn't use the product. I personally would never recommend this to anyone but the fact that I did get to try it because of the wonderful people at SheSpeaks made it worth trying something new! Aveda has other great products that I will continue to use and thank you again for giving me the chance to try this product!
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