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Aveda Naturally Straight
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on Sep 19, 2014 (Read 35378 times | Comments: 33)
Anyone else trying the Aveda Naturally Straight hair products? Just curious what the results are so far for some!!

on Sep 26, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I liked it a lot. Usually I go overboard with a new product, getting too excited and sort of slather it all over my hair but with this one I hesitated a bit because it seemed to have a creamy or even oily texture to it so I only used a small amount. I was really glad I only used that pea sized amount because it worked very well in keeping the frizzies and puffy hair at bay. My hair was smoother, more manageable and had a nice shine to it which as a frizzy, curly headed blonde is not usually the case, my hair can be dull so the shine was appreciated. The smell was wonderful too, some products can overwhelm you with fragrance but the natural peppermint smell from this one was subtle and wonderful. It's a great product and will definitely be buying it again but this one will last a long time since I only use such a small amount each time.

on Sep 26, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

This product has worked great for frizz, and had they marketed it as JUST an anti-frizz cream I'd be gushing about it, but because they claim it keeps your hair straight after several consecutive uses and has not lived up to that claim I'm pretty bummed about it. If the price was a bit more reasonable I'd buy it again because I think it works so well on frizz and the smell is lovely, reminds me of lemon balm.

on Sep 30, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I used it twice now and can see a difference. The smell is awesome. I wish it had arrived when it was hotter and much more humid. I am known around the office as "The Hairmomiter" because I can tell you how humid it is based on how my hair increases in volume when I go outside. I too agree that the price is a little high but with a decent coupon I would be willing to purchase this again.

on Sep 30, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by friendsofstcorn » 
I"m finding it is drying out my hair, is anyone else seeing this?

I agree, totally dries out my hair as well.

on Sep 30, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have tried it and I noticed that it did dry out my hair a bit the first day was great with the the making it strait but after the wash I did a wash and run it was a bit curly not like usual but still curly.

on Sep 30, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

After using Aveda Smooth Infusion(TM) Naturally Straight, my hair is not as shiny and seems to crease a lot easier. Maybe it is more stiff? Buildup maybe? My hair has dried faster, but the ironing takes just as long and I need to wash and redo more often. Before, I could iron my hair and for days it would stay straight; well until I washed it again (I could go almost a week). Now when I wake up from sleep my hair seems creased or curled up weird. The shine I had before seems to be less so and the little frizzy pieces don't seem to stay downs as well with ironing anymore. It didn't seem to work for my hair type (mostly straight, with some annoying waves I like to iron out). As soon as my hair is wet again, it will frizz/curl up on the ends. Forget letting it air dry. It does make it so it dries faster with the hair dryer, but it was more difficult to iron. I plan to have my daughter do the 5 day test next (she has very curly hair) and see if she see her curls loosened.

on Sep 30, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I could almost repeat word for word what amyh_lll said and agree! Straightening my hair without using the product my hair stayed absolutely straight for DAYS even without any special sleeping changes. I woke up to straight hair every day. After using the Aveda Smooth Infusion Naturally Straight my hair looked and felt oily and the day after straightening it I had the messy look with kinks too. Also my once shiny hair now looks really dull. I really wanted to like this product but very disappointed.

on Oct 01, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Agreed with some of the reviews I saw. Great smell and help with shine and straightening. However, my hair is a bit fine so it weighs it down. Jury is still out.

on Oct 03, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't feel like I used the product enough to do an honest evaluation. Yet, the email states that the survey is to be completed by today. I truly hope it is still there to complete after tonight. I don't think I could give a fair feedback otherwise. I hate to rate a product when I haven't given it a chance to work properly. I tried to email but haven't received a response. I'm going to keep with it. So far, I've noticed some drying initially, but have tried a few different methods and have gotten various results. I think I'll wait this one out before I pass judgement. What did everyone else think thus far?

on Oct 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

My hair seems drier and less shiny since I started using it. I *did* color about a week before, so maybe that's the problem. I did notice that when I took my time drying my hair (which has happened once in the past three weeks) it did come out nice. Today I used som Nexxus mousse, and the two do seem to work well together. I'm going to use it for another week or so and then stop. I'm curious to see if I find that it made more of a difference than I thought!
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