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Aveda Naturally Straight
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on Sep 19, 2014 (Read 35376 times | Comments: 33)
Anyone else trying the Aveda Naturally Straight hair products? Just curious what the results are so far for some!!

on Sep 23, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have tried the aveda and it works wonderfully on the straight part but my hair is still a bit frizzy.

on Sep 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I honestly love it. My hair feels so silky. My hair is unusual, it is curly with a fine hair shaft and I have a head full of hair. My ends seem much smoother.

on Sep 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

So far, I've used it and let it dry naturally and it doesn't seem as bushy. I've also used it and straightened it with my dryer and my flat iron. It seems to work well all day, and is less frizzy. The next day, the waves in my hair come back, but it's not as frizzy. I also like the smell of the fragrance and it is not too heavy for my hair. I have thick hair, but it is fine.

on Sep 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have used it only a couple of times so far. It does seem to tame the frizz a little. I'm not overly fond of how it smells. I will keep trying it and see if it progressively helps with the frizz.

on Sep 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

So far it's working nicely for me. After several days of use my hair is staying straighter without having to flat iron it each time. I haven't noticed any drying out of my hair but mine is damaged on the ends right now anyway and in need of a trim. I do love the fragrance. At first, I didn't think I cared for it but after using it a few days it really grew on me. it is just nice and clean smelling. It just took me a couple of days to get over the fake fragrances I was used to using and also to get used to how plant based shampoos and conditioners make my hair feel. I really love it!

on Sep 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have only had a chance to use the Aveda Naturally Straight 3 times and there already is a difference. I have "fine" hair but a lot of hair (that is what my stylist says) and it will frizz up in Summer humidity and Winter moisture when I shovel snow. I also have a natural wave so when my hair is drying on it's own I look like I have ringlets on the ends. I started straightening my hair when I grew it long to calm all the frizz. I have always loved Aveda products and the scent of them too. After the second time using this product I noticed that my hair IS straighter when letting it dry on its own after using the product and before using the dryer or tool to straighten it. Also the frizz is NOT there at all. I don't think my hair looks any better straightening it after using this product as compared to no product though. My hair looks somewhat oily too so I am using less product to see if that is why. Will do another report after using it a few more times. Trying it free is great!

on Sep 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

The scent is great. Works fine when I blow dry my hair and keeps for a few days. When I do not blow dry and embrace the curls I find it keeps it much smoother then the typical freeze I would get.

on Sep 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I tried it for the first time while traveling in an area with a very high humidity level. I saw great results as soon as I straightened my hair but as the event wore on my hair did frizz. I touched it up the next day & it was better. I have tried it again & it seems to be working. So far so good!

on Sep 26, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Loving it so far. I'm glad I got to try the product for free, because otherwise I wouldn't have bought the claims. Now that I've seen the results firsthand, I will definitely purchase it in the future.

on Sep 26, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by gcs930 » 
Loving it so far. I'm glad I got to try the product for free, because otherwise I wouldn't have bought the claims. Now that I've seen the results firsthand, I will definitely purchase it in the future.

This is exactly how I feel about it!
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