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What is your reason behind being single?
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on Jun 09, 2014 (Read 3678 times | Comments: 14)
Ever realized that past relationship just do not work out? Well, why do you think that is? P.s. This question is obviously for people that have had struggle in the boyfriend/girlfriend department and are currently single.

on Jun 18, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

The short answer is that I just gave up. The older I got, the smaller the dating pool and the fewer viable candidates. After awhile the only men who were interested in me had major issues like not being able to commit or prioritize a relationship. So, I threw in the towel for the time being.

on Oct 04, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

It wasn't by choice!! My BF of 5yrs. walked out on me~ it's been 1yr & 7mos since he left~ but we still see each other weekly!! He tells me to date~ but as soon as I mention that I met someone interesting~ there he is at my door!! I'm stuck!! All he did was leave me with alk the financial burdens~ has no responsibility & still gets me when he wants!! I guess I'm single~ but I'm still in love with the guy!!

on Nov 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have chosen not to date for the next couple of years. My son was very attached to my ex and heart broken when we broke up and I will not put him through that again. His father never wanted to be in his life so that added to the last relationship has really hurt him. I have been single for 3 years and intend to stay this way for a couple of years until I know my son can handle it.

on Nov 22, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

The reason for being single is due to the fact that I haven't met a guy that wants similar things out of life as I do. Sure I date, but I don't give them a title nor do I accept a title if they can't fill the shoes or want to give me what I deserve with me having that title. Being single sucks, but I rather be single than to be in a committed relationship and I'm the only one being committed.

on Dec 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

The reason I'm single...hmmm...guys being flaky, guys only wanting sex, guys only wanting to text...guys just being...guys. Gee, I don't sound bitter at all do ?!

on Jan 22, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think the reason I'm single at the moment is because I used to think I needed someone to be happy. I would even go back to someone who broke my heart once because I thought I would give him a second chance. But now that I'm 30, I realize that I need to spend time thinking about what I REALLY want instead of just going from one meaningless relationship to another. I know I will find the relationship where we're both committed to making it work, but right now, I want to take my time to find it.

on Jun 21, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm currently single because I've discovered I'm slow to open up and it takes forever for me to invest myself in another person ,it kind of makes being my friend first a necessity and that isnt very easy, not because im rude or cant make friends but im just so unique it takes a very specific type of person to mesh well and it can lead to some pretty intense heartbreak like when i fell in love with my best friend (i told him and he doesnt want to ruin us). I also have some trust issues and not the average kind, i could care less if a man goes and hangs out with his friends even if they're female as my best friend is a male and id hate to lose him but I've been engaged and left for the ex, my longest relationship ended up being with a gay man and then I was sexually assaulted and harassed for 2 years. I'm now hesitant to make myself the kind of emotionally vulnerable that allows people in but i dont want to be hurt, so for the time being im single, and seeking patience in life and love.

on Aug 18, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I choose not to date. I prefer being single because it's less of an emotional roller coaster for me. I don't have to worry about my significant other cheating or something of the sort.... It's just refreshing :)

on Aug 20, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm currently single but have been divorced for over 20 years, however, at the present time I have been in a relationship for the past 6 years. We have a great relationship and I prefer that it remains that way. It seems that sometimes when you get married things change and sometimes for the worse, so I'm just content on being single right now. NO MORE DRAMA!

on Jul 06, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I take care of my mother, she has Alzheimers, I also take care of a brother who was born mentally challenged. I Am a single mother of 3 teenagers, 2 of them are highly rude towards me and speak to me however they want and wish. Every relationship I was ever involved would see how my children speak to me, they see my situation at home living with ill family members and the person every person I met will come in to add more stress into the situation by mistreating me, controlling me manipulating me and at the end cheating. I finally woke up and realize that I was easy to target for someone who just needed to recreate with someone to take advantage . I will rather stay alone and focus on my situation, and when God allows it, my children are big, I can then move along with my brother and start my own life.
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