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My 15 yr old is starting college in the Fall!
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on May 22, 2014 (Read 12289 times | Comments: 11)
Hi, I have two high school seniors that will graduate next week. I am very proud of both of them. My daughter though is only 15 and will be attending college in the Fall. I am so nervous for her and hope that letting her advance was the right thing to do. She is not nervous, just excited. Maybe I'm just an over protective parent. Anyone else have a child this young start college and any advise? Thanks!

on May 26, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I currently do not have any kids, but I have an opinion on the matter. First off, congrats for having your daughter advance at such a young age. When I was 15, I wouldn't have dreamed I would be in college. I started college a month after graduating. I wasn't suure at all what I wanted to do with my life, and would have liked to have more time off between highschool and college to think about it. My mom rather pushed me into college right away and told me I needed to make a choice of what to do right away. Here I am 6 years later having more than enough credits to graduate and not a degree in hand. All my credits are in different groups. After taking a wide selection of classes, I found my "niche" and that I really like Health. So soon my degree will be in hand and happy happy I shall be! So my advice is to continue being proud of her and her accomplishments, but don't let her feel like she needs to choose a path right away if she isn't sure. Wide selection of classes will help that.

on May 29, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wow! She's pretty smart! I'm actually in college right now, and let me just say that a lot of people are definitely going to be impressed with her. College is really a fun opportunity to make good friends, and have a great education while you are at it. It was difficult for me to make friends whenever I first started, but then I joined a sorority, and made tons of new friends. Sororities are nothing like on the movies (My sorority is not like those, anyways). I have joined a local, professional sorority, so while we always have get togethers and game days, and potlucks, we also do things that help different organizations. For example, the carwash that my initiate sisters and I put on to help support Kids in the Groove, a program that helps foster children take classes to learn to play instruments. Anyways, I hope this helped, and I wish your daughters luck!

on May 31, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Congratulations on having a gifted child! Please don't forget to be just as proud of your other child too. It seems that college might be overwhelming emotionally for a 15 year old even though not academically.

on Jun 02, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Congrat:) I'm not a parent but I started college at that age. There probably be more stress, but after awhile you get use to it and tmeet so many people. And fleeting new people can help along the way, but being in a bigger campus it may take time to get use to. As long a she is know what's she's doing in college and responsible there's nothing to worry about.

on Jun 04, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Although I have Elementary age children, I can see why you would be nervous & proud at the same time. High School is hard enough for a 15 year old, especially for the girls. I know this. For her to be attending a college, well, need I say more??? Being around others that are older and possibly more mature ( in an age kind of way), would worry me also. Just keep your head up and know that you have done the best you can in raising her, and that she will make the smartest decisions. :) By the way, she may seem JUST excited, but I guarantee she is nervous on the inside. Take her out for a small shopping mom/daughter day, and yall talk. May do both of you good. :)

on Jun 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Congrats:) I would say not to afraid to join community service and that is a great way to making new friends. Explore the campus service and know them well. She will find out that is much more needed and fun to know the campus staff working around and helping the students out. They are usually friendly and helpful. It just depends on how big is the college community and what do they offer makes it different, she will have much fun and of course have her up and downs. But ENJOY! It would be great! Cheers,

on Jun 11, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Congrats, she is super smart and hard-working!! I'm a college student and it can be stressful in many different ways. Hope she does well and have fun there!

on Jun 18, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wow.. Super smart kid. As a parent we will always worry about our children.... rather they are making the correct decisions or not. That will never change. But I believe that your daughter might be pretty wise for her age. And although she is entering college so early (and it might be stressful you as well as her), give her the chance to prove she has what it take for this big step in her life. I have a daughter who will be a Sophomore in college this upcoming year. It was hard letting go especially she was leaving out of state. But I had to remember that we did a pretty good job raising her and prayed for the best. So far so good with no complaints. I wish you and her the best of luck.

on Jun 19, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

So what kind of degree in Health will you be achieving? Good job.

on Jun 19, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think it's totally expected to be nervous when your child goes off on their own for the first time, 15 or 25. I would just do everything you can to be involved in her college life. Try to get her in clubs and extracurricular activities, it'll keep her busy and help her make friends while keeping her out of trouble! Another thing is graduating early can put a lot of pressure on her to do really well in college, so she may struggle with the coursework at first, but that's normal! My little brother just started some college courses while in high school and he said they were so much harder than even his AP classes. Congratulations!
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