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Witching Hour?
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on Apr 27, 2014 (Read 2753 times | Comments: 11)
My son is 7 weeks old. He is so precious and sleeps really well at night and naps pretty well throughout the day. My biggest issue is he gets super moody and cries SOOOO much from like 6-8pm. He just won't stop screaming. I can't get him to stop with anything I do. He hates the swing, he won't take the binky, he won't take a bottle or breast. He just fusses and screams for 2 hours. He has been doing this for almost 4 weeks now every night. But when he goes to his Grandmoms house to stay the night he is fine and doesn't do this there. I don't know what to do to help him. If anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE let me know. Thanks :)

on Aug 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Ugh I remember this with my youngest child (she's 10 months old now). They only thing I found that would work with her was putting her in the Baby K'tan, really close to me and going into the bathroom turning the lights out and the fan on. Then I'd bounce her a little and say "shhhhh" over and over. It worked.

on Aug 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

My youngest went through this for what felt like evvvvver. The thing I found to work for her was to go in a cool room by ourselves, hold her, move around slowly (I usually went in a circle), and sing to her. She would scream continuously to begin with but after a few minutes she would calm down, and eventually fall asleep.

on Aug 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I know this might be a pain, but try putting the baby in the car seat and going for a drive. I have heard other people say that they put the car seat on the washing machine (closely watched) with the baby in it. The movement is supposed to help. I don't know about that, but I would try the car ride for sure

on Aug 18, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

My sisters so did this every night like clockwork! Turned out he was gassy and a bit colicky! They ended up having to switch his formula to soy.

on Aug 18, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I meant son not so!

on Aug 19, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

We had to do this with our 2nd daughter. Midnight drives to Taco Bell. Be thankful it's only from 6-8 pm. It's interesting that it only happens during those hours. I doubt it's a formula issue if it's only during those times of the day. See what is going on during that time. Maybe there is a certain sound or something going on in the house or neighborhood.

on Aug 23, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you tried gripe water for gas ? Does he scream like he's in pain ? Trying sitting him or elevating his chest and head at night . Also try putting him on his belly and doing tummy time

on Aug 23, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you tried gripe water for gas ? Does he scream like he's in pain ? Trying sitting him or elevating his chest and head at night . Also try putting him on his belly and doing tummy time

on Aug 23, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I totally agree lickysplitnik- gripe water works wonders- it not only helps with gas, it helps with colic, and it just plain helps to calm and soothe baby. Gripe water is really an amazing thing- I used it for both my kids when the were babies (I still use it for my 18 month old here and there) it always worked for me when they were upset and it seemed nothing else would help calm them.

on Aug 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Your little one might have colic. I would try the gas drops. If dad is around I would take turns. I think they can feel us being stressed. Lord knows a couple of hrs of nonstop crying can work a nerve.Good luck....this will pass.
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