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Im a SAHM and WAHM & home school mom
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on Apr 02, 2014 (Read 12680 times | Comments: 16)
Hi!! I have a busy busy busy life. I work FT at home doing customer service through arise.com ... but I also home school my 11 and 9 year old. None of my friends have this kind of life. They just don't get it when I'm exhausted. They do one or the other and none homeschool. Anyone else out there like me????? Im also a certified teacher ... but I got tired of the rat race and dealing with parents "these days" there was a lack of support from parents and people in higher positions at the school I was in. I love being at home ... but am ready to go back to an out of the home job!!

on Apr 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Woah! that's a lot! I can't imagine!! I'm just a sthm of 7 and 3 yr old boys and do about 6 hrs of photography sessions a month. I do edit them at home and it takes about 25 hrs a month of editing so about 30 working hours a month and I don't homeschool and I'm tired! LOL Sorry you didn't have a good support system where you were teaching. that makes a world of difference..for sure :) I think you need a break and should work outside the home for a bit. I know I'm getting burned out. been at home for 7 yrs now... and ready to get out there! lol

on Apr 10, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a SAHM and I absolutely love it, I work part time from home and homeschool my oldest child as well. I would rather be home than anywere else! I do understand that how you feel sometimes you get tired of the monotony and just want to run away, but at the end of the day I wouldn't want to leave still. I hope you can find you something that suits you and your schedule!

on Apr 14, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a sahm to 5. 4 of them are currently homeschooled through Florida Virtual, they are 5, 10, 12 and 13. And the youngest is 4 and she hangs out with us all day of course. :) 3 of the 4 that are homeschooled will be going back to public school next fall so it will be just me, the oldest and the youngest home again. It is neverending.

on Apr 27, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a new SAHM and I am loving it so far. My son is only 7 weeks old and he is the light of my life. I am just starting to work from home as well. I find it difficult to balance the two because my son is so young and not on a schedule yet but as soon as I can get him in a more normal pattern I will be able to better achieve my work goals. More power to you on the home schooling!

on Nov 19, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a SAHM and homeschooler as well. And, although I don't have an actual out of the house job I do run a blog and I'm these added together always keeps me on my toes! If I'm planning next weeks curriculum, playing with Ladybug (my daughter), taking care of my chickens, cleaning house, or cooking I'm talking with companies working on a post or review item. It's definitely a busy life! I do love it, however, and wouldn't change it for the world. A piece of advice: Don't forget to take care of YOUR self! (:

on Nov 21, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wow! Can't believe you are home schooling too! That's amazing! I have four kids (11, 10, 10, 3 yrs old), a husband who travels and a full-time job running my business out of my home as a children's author & illustrator and digital marketer. Love what I do, but could use a break here and there, like you. I don't home school though. Thought about it, but need that time to get some work done. I do coach my kids fast pitch and soccer teams in the evening.

on Nov 23, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wow - we are in almost the exact same situation! I am a SAHM that homeschools my daughter during the day, and once she falls asleep, I begin my work day from my computer at home. I don't get much sleep at night, so nap time is a must for us! I'm lucky she's still willing to take a nap after lunch most days. Homeschooling is a full-time job in itself - I never realized how much planning and work goes into it until I started!

on Jul 06, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

It sounds like WAHM, SAHM and moms who work out of the house all have similar battles.

on Jul 23, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

What kind of work do you do from home? I am a SAHM with 5 children. Ages 18, 12, 3, 2 and 2 months. I am looking to find a way to make some money. It's just so hard to find something that is real.

on Aug 04, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you guys looked at PowerToFly.com? It was started by a real life mom wanting to help women get back to work, with many listings from home.
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