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kids and chores
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on Oct 17, 2013 (Read 4189 times | Comments: 16)
I am a mom of 6 kids, I'm trying to teach my kids to help me around the house, how to make them do one thing

on Jan 02, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have two that are eight and five. I made a chore chart for them using the app ChoreMonster. It allows them to gain points for the chores I have in the system (whatever the value you want to add as well) and everytime they post that it's done, I get a notification to verify it, so I know if it is. I always use this system because they like seeing how they rack up points and they have a couple of options depending on point value to redeem. I've also done an Uh-Oh bucket for anything left lying around the house. In order to get an item back they have to randomly select a chore to do..and that seems to work as long as it's something in the bucket they REALLY like. It really depends on the age as to what chores to give as well as how to go about getting them to do them.

on Jan 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like having a chore chart personally. It's just a friendly reminder to get things done or if the forget what needs to be done. I know for younger children they need to see actually pictures understand what chores need to be done.

on May 03, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just joined! My son is 5 and my daughter is 9 weeks. I make him do chores before he is able to watch TV, go out side, etc. I stick to that. If he takes all day then he takes all day. But no play until his chores are done. I do give him a little bit of money for help around the house. He makes his bed, dust, drys the dishes, keep his room picked up and the bathroom.

on May 14, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have two daughters ages 13 and almost 8. I also have a stepson who is 9 and we have him every weekend. I can't get any of the kids to help do much. My husband and I both work at least full time if not more. I also have some medical issues that flare up from time to time. I can't keep up with everything. I don't know how to get through to them to help. Obviously getting angry doesn't do anything helpful. :)

on May 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Start slowly and have rewards...smaller rewards are fine.

on Jul 28, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am trying to get my kids help me more with chores now too. I regret picking everything up for them when they were toodlers now. Theyve gotten so use to me cleaning everything up on my own. My oldest is about to turn 9 so I told him he needed to start helping me keep toys off the floor, especially his little legos. He will start to help me but then he get distracted and starts playing again. I did find a really good bedtime story that teaches about responsibility that I have read to them. Its called The Grasshopper and The Ant. I might have to read it a few more times and come up with a reward system for my kids when they do help pick up.
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