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Stay at home Mom Blues
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on May 21, 2013 (Read 50460 times | Comments: 24)
I have recently been feeling under appreciated for what I do for my three children and husband. I may not "punch a clock" but perhaps I should because my job is not done until the last child is asleep and I am the first to rise every morning with coffee ready and breakfast to make, then its a roller coaster of chores and "To-do" lists all over again, seven days a week. My husband and I felt it was more important to myself to raise our kids, also with the job i did have when I was pregnant with our first child would not of helped pay anything after daycare. I'm just afraid I will have regrets later about not doing more even though my two sons are straight A students, best in citizenship and well rounded children, my daughter just turned two so I have a few more years to stay home and be the Mother she needs too. Does any other stay at Home Mom feel unappreciated, frustrated and tired of their job at times even knowing how much you love your children?

on May 21, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

YES! i think 99% of stay at home moms feel the same way! My husband was really bad about acknowledging what I did at home (including trimming his toenails! and dishing up for him at meals and "serving" him) So one night I explained it to him like this "Women are very emotional creatures. We THRIVE on made to feel loved and appreciated. You have co workers and a boss at work that offer you praise, pats on the back, BONUSES, and what not... I get none of those things for doing my job. I'm not complaining just making you aware of how I feel. I am blessed to be a stay at home mom and wouldn't change it for the world. I love taking care of you and the children. I'd REALLY appreciate hearing you say thank you and giving me a hug as thanks. Hugs would be my bonus and thank you's would help my attitude so much. Imagine how tiring your job would be if no one appreciated what you did at work? All your efforts go thankless??? All I'm saying is that feeling appreciated is so very ...

on May 21, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

important. It's right up there with me feeling loved." I said those words almost exactly! And ever since then he has been much more accommodating to my emotional needs and oddly enough I found myself wanting to do more for him!! In return when he gives me words of thanks I let him know how happy his words make me feel.... or how how blessed he has made me feel by sharing positive words with me. That way he knows what he is saying is right and I LIKE IT! This was about 5 yrs ago and our marriage is better for it! Now it's more of a habit for him and I don't need to remind him as frequent or give him "the talk" as often... LOL Good luck! It is true we have a thankless job but one day when our kids have kids we will get the biggest thank you a mom could ever receive! And THAT is what makes it worth it all :)

on May 22, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I remember feeling just like you do know. How hard it was, how depressed I felt sometimes, boredom and everything else you said. But when I watched My boys earn Rewards and diplomas and Now are successful in there careers . I know every minute of that time was well spent. It may be hard for you to imagine now. But boy ,do my two boys let me know now how much of difference my sacrifices made in there lives. They see how there friends grew up with working parents not around. They tell me how lucky they were and still are. They bought me my fist Coach purse for Mothers day this year.

on May 23, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm a new mom, and am debating on going back to work or just stay home with my baby. For obvious reasons, I'd love to stay home with him until he goes to school even. But in today's economy my partner and I worry whether we could afford for me to stay home. I only work part time, but anything helps these days.

on May 23, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

So I feel very unappreciated very often. I have a 4 no the old son and a 18 month old daughter along with a 4 ur old daughter. I work harde eryday taking care of them plus him. I ccook, clean and everything else in between, and what do I get? Nothing but complaints most of the time. He sleeps all day and works all night. What am I suppose to do. I am so tired. I only get to sleep for about 6-8 hours a day because the baby. When he comes home he sleeps almost all day until about 5:30 when he goes to work for the night. I'm so exhausted.:-(

on May 24, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

i'm a single foster parent that works ft and i feel unappreciated, bone tired & overwhelmed too sometimes. And i don't have benefit of a spouse to pick up the slack. But when one of my foster kids has a breakthrough, squeals with delight at swimming in the ocean for the first time, seeing a deer in our yard it's all worth it. my only suggestion is make time for yourself and not feel guilty or let others make you feel that way. You don't want to become a door mat nor teach your sons to disrespect women & teach your daughters they have no worth. insist that everyone in the family contribute (chores, specific roles&responsibilities) with consequences for not participating. doing so is a win-win, household runs smoother, more free time (indiv. couple and family), teaches kids responsibility and respect for self and others.

on May 24, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a young stay at home mom of three children all under three. I am married and I too often feel stressed and under appreciated, I feel like I should be supporting more financially, but for me to work, would cost us in daycare. Parenting is hard, being a stay at home mom is hard. I don't think our husbands will ever truly know what we go through everyday. How much of our time and effort and energy goes into our kids and our homes. We are non stop on the go. Everything we do, we think about our kids first. We lack adult conversation, we lack free time, we lack personal hygiene time. I am not complaining, just stating. We work hard and it would just be nice for other to realize how hard our jobs are. Honestly, if my husband were to hire someone to do everything I do, he would be broke! I love my children more than life itself, just sometimes, I need some respect and acknowledgement. I need a little push telling me how good I am doing and how great it is that I am raising my children

on Sep 12, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I know EXACTLY how you feel! I am a Stay at Home Mother to two children (ages 6 and 3). I worked full-time with my first and then when the second came along, I stayed at home because at that point it didn't make sense for me to work...my paycheck would have simply been used for daycare expenses. Both SAHM and working Mom's have their fair share of perks and disadvantages. I've been on both ends! As much as I love what I do, I do agree that Stay at Home Mother's are very much underappreciated at times. It's like you never get a break, and it is hard/never-ending work, but no one seems to recognize that!!!! On the weekends, I suggest you drop the kids with the hubs for an hour or so one afternoon, and have some well deserved 'me time'. Trust me, your husband will realize just how difficult your job is while you're away...he'll be frazzled but you'll come back refreshed. :-)

on Nov 10, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Having been both a WM and a SAHM, I can attest to the fact that both jobs have their perks and disadvantages. And as a WM now, I I find myself feeling just like you are as a SAHM! My daughter is eleven, and when she needs me to be there, I am there for her, but I also have to work to pay for things we need. A lot of times, I feel like, between work and motherhood and home life, I'm losing more of myself. I really think that is a problem that ALL mothers have, whether they work outside the home or not. Take an hour, get a sitter, and have some of that me-time. It'll do wonders for your mood. :)

on Nov 10, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

otey1989, be thankful you get 6-8 hours of sleep a day. Be thankful your husband works. I have been there with two children under five, a full time job, AND school full time, and did it SINGLE. I understand that you are tired, but it can always be worse.
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