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Plus Size
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on Jan 19, 2013 (Read 12060 times | Comments: 25)
If your plus size and stores that have stylish clothe in your size are hard to find, try http://www.fashiontofigure.com/ http://www.avenue.com/ or http://www.plussizefix.com/ <---that store is having a clearance (:

on Apr 29, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I hate shopping in stores and always have a hard time finding good places online that offer plus size fashions. Thank you for the links! I agree that Forever 21 also has some great plus size fashion!

on Apr 29, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Both my daughter and I are plus size and we have a hard time finding anything. She is only 21 and I am 43 and we hate that the plus size items come in old lady styles. I agree that most of the plus size are made for one body type and one age. They don't consider that we are all different heights and shapes. I can't get anything plus size that fits correctly without having to hem or take in. I would love somewhere to shop that has a wide assortment of styles and shapes and that isn't way too expensive.

on Apr 29, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am 5'2" and a 14/16. I have yet to find somewhere that sells flattering petite plus size clothes. I had luck when I was an 18 shopping at Lane Bryant. Occasionally I find a top at kohl's. I love the jeans on gap.com. thank you for the above suggestions, going to check them out!

on Apr 29, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Do you know what drives me crazy??? Trying to shop for plus size clothing online and the models are a size five!!!!! Grrrrrrrrr....

on Apr 29, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am blessed to have been taught to sew by my mom when I was younger. I make almost all my own clothes. I wear mostly dresses and skirts partly because I feel like God has called me to do so, but I even make the few pair of pants I wear. I make everything but my bras; even my undergarments. I have patterns that I have used enough so that I know that they fit me precisely and very well and I use them over and over. I'm not overly concerned about fashions or trends; I go for comfort and modesty above all. I can't see spending what they want in the stores for either junk, stuff that will be out of fashion next year, or things I'd rather not wear even if I'm dead. I'm thankful fo my Mom for teaching me to sew. The older I get, the more I use that skill.

on Apr 29, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have a rough time shopping for cloths period. And when you start looking for plus size clothing it is even worse. I have purchased some clothing from Blair, and Kohl's has some plus sizes. Blair has a site on line you can go to and purchase or get a catalog sent to you. Blair.com

on Apr 30, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My problem is a large bust and I have always had one. I have a hard time finding shirts,I cant wear many styles because I am uncomfortable with the way I look in them. I have to say forever 21 is great,they have a lot of different styles and I can find shirts I like here Kohls also has a good selection.

on May 01, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Pooh0778, you should really try Avenue jeans. They have awesome stretch jeans that fit all body types. They are so comfortable too!

on Apr 09, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I shop at torrid I love their styles. They also have a lot of great sales so it makes the clothes cheaper.

on Nov 18, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

HonestMaria thanks for the website suggestions. I just browsed through the dresses and found some that are perfect for me.
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