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acne cleanser
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on Dec 03, 2012 (Read 7440 times | Comments: 21)
my 16 year old daughter has bad acne. We have tried so many of the drugstore products, but none seem to help that much. Can anyone recommend a face cleanser that might help?

on Dec 12, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Try Burt's Bees cleanser (something very gentle and nondrying). Also, I use Mychelle acne products for my face and they work wonders. They are sold in natural health food stores and so they are a little more expensive than drug store brands, but they are amazing. There's a teen acne line they sell that I use and love. I'm 23 and have suffered from severe acne since I was 9 years old (nightmare). And I wish I'd known about this stuff sooner. It uses sulfur to treat acne. Their facial peels are amazing as well. Also, I slather on 100% pure aloe vera gel (which is cheap and you can get anywhere) and let it soak before applying my make-up and it does wonders for oil control/bacteria control. I use Alba Botanica oil control lotion as well and a friend of mine tried it and loves it as well (it has acne medication in it, so it moisturizes and treats). It is really important for her to eat yogurt or take some kind of live culture supplement. Acne isn't just skin deep HTH!

on Dec 13, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Here's my routine: Step one: Hydrate properly with water. Step two: Keep hands off of face and clean cell phone/house phone regularly of oil and bacteria build-up. *Every other day, or as my skin tolerates, I use a quarter sized amount of baking soda to scrub my face. I add a little water to the baking soda and gently scrub it over my face to exfoliate. Step three: Daily wash with Purpose bar. Step four: Follow with generic toner with salicylic acid. Step five: Apply nickel sized amount of Clean and Clear Advantage Oil Absorbing Cream, it has salicylic acid in it. http://waterrollsuphill.blogspot.com/2012/10/frugal-facial-routine.html

on Dec 14, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter is on prescription medication to help with her acne, you could take your daughter in and see if there are any available prescriptions. In addition to the prescription medication, my daughter uses the Acne Free line of products which seem to help. We bought into ProActive and it did nothing for her severe acne.

on Dec 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have the perfect solution!!! I had bad acne...and cleared up quick with the INNISFREE Jejubija Anti-Trouble Foaming Face Wash... this is a product from Korea that contains ingredients from a beautiful Island called Jeju-do. I highly recommend this...two of my closest friends are now using it and also seeing results. It has an invigorating herbal scent...super gentle...and one dime size application foams TO THE MAX! It costs around 13 dollars and you usually get free shipping. All products are Natural and eco-friendly... :)

on Sep 07, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would recommend proactive or clean and clear they both have helped me alot.

on Sep 11, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Cetaphil is gentle yet effective. My dermatologist recommended it YEARS ago and it's all I've used since. Unfortunately over the counter products alone are not always effective in completely clearing acne. If you've tried everything and still aren't seeing adequate results, I would suggest scheduling your daughter an appointment with a dermatologist. There are plenty of prescription topical creams that can be used to treat your daughter's acne. The dermatologist can analyze her skin and select a product(s) that's right for her. Acne can be VERY frustrating (trust me, I know!) and there may be some trial and error involved in finding our what works, but if she seeks treatment, it CAN be controlled. Best of luck!!! :-)

on Sep 13, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't know if you have tried Neutrogena brands just yet? Those always seem to be the best for my daugther's skin. Stay away from any scented scrubs, the scent might be appealing but it really does nothing but aggravate the skin. Also, what my daughter started doing was making her own scrub with an unscented soap and sugar, since it didn't irritate her skin but really cleaned her pores.

on Sep 14, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have suffered from acne since I was 13 (I'm 25 now) and if you want a quick fix, take her to a dermatologist, they can really help out. But the prescriptions can get costly so my OTC solution is: Morning: to start use a 10% peroxide cleanser (Clean and Clear has one) then apply lotion, I use Cerave AM, it is oil-free and has SPF 30. Lotion may seem like it's counter-intuitive, but often a lot of acne is created from over cleansing the face and irritating and drying the skin so the face produces MORE oil. After a while switch to a mild cleanser but stick with the lotion! At night I cleanse with mild soap (I use Dove unscented bar soap) and then I put on a retinol based cream (Roc). It's meant for wrinkles but it aids in cell renewal which helps with acne (Retinol-A, an acne prescription does the same thing only it's more concentrated). Then if the skin is really dry use lotion. Also, make sure she gradually uses retinol as it's very drying, and it increases sun sensitivity so use SPF!

on Oct 15, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

🎀Neutrogena Sensitive skin cleanser is great for acne. It has helped my skin.🎀

on Dec 05, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I used to have the worst acne face/skin! I started using the natural products! i use the neutrogena naturals face wash and moisture and in the night time, i use vitamin e oil on my face! It took my scars away! Tell her to do 7 day challenge with the vitamin E oil and if she feels any difference, tell her to stop using even the organic and natural moisturizers and only use unscented vitamin E oil everyday! I got mine at target for $3 some and you only have to use 2 drops :) It works like wonders! Also tell her to brush twice a day! I know this kinds feels funny but if she eats oily foods or any junk food, we want to make sure that our mouth does not effect our face! This is also a great trick for a healthier living as well! Also everymorning, Try drinking water with empty stomach! This will also help you loose wait and also this is going to flush all the bad bacteria when you go pee! I hope this helps :)
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