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  Stay at Home Moms (SAHM)


how to potty train a 3 year old boy
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on Nov 30, 2012 (Read 13535 times | Comments: 23)
Just want to know if this is normal, he went one time, and then after that he doesnt even try. we reward with stickers, candy, toys...but he doesnt seem to want to go. Although he isnt comfortable in a dirty pullup. just dont understand little boys i guess :(

on Jul 20, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Im a mother of a 4year old almost the samething happen to me one he whent to the bathroom to pi but he wouldnt poop on the toilet so everyday i would tell him u need to go to the bethroom to do both because pretty soon ur going to start preschool and i wont be there to clean u up the teachers are going to send u to the bathroom and this happen when he was 3 and it actually work by telling him everyday .

on Jul 22, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

YES boy are a little difficult because they have to stand and sit .But don't pressure him and let him take his time get used to the toilet and give him a reward every time he makes it in time to the potty. I hope that helps :)

on Aug 19, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

its ok every child is different my son potty at 18 months im a SAHM here are somethings talk to him and tell him he is a big boy he can do it himself just like dad take him to the toilet with you and yes use the toilet in front of him flush and ask him if he will like to try cheer him on kids love that. i will not encourage you putting things in the toilet because they tend to think its ok to throw things in the toilet, which can get clogged and create an issue. it will help to keep the toilet door open at all times so if he does want to go he can, however its not safe to let kids go by themselves so encourage him to say when he wants to go in the earlies you will need to ask him if he wants to go until he gets the confidence to say, what we did with my son was say out loud when we were going and taking him with us then he began saying as well. we took the pamper of and upgraded to underwear so he understood he is a big boy and got rewarded when he didnt wet the floor by asking to go.
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