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how to potty train a 3 year old boy
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on Nov 30, 2012 (Read 13559 times | Comments: 23)
Just want to know if this is normal, he went one time, and then after that he doesnt even try. we reward with stickers, candy, toys...but he doesnt seem to want to go. Although he isnt comfortable in a dirty pullup. just dont understand little boys i guess :(

on Jun 04, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm having the same issue with my 3yr old. He wants nothing to do with it now. And he was doing good for about 2 weeks, pottying at least every night before bedtime and getting good at letting me know. He got sick and had to spend a night in the hospital and since he just wants nothing to do with it

on Jun 07, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My boys were harder then my girls, but I potty trained all my kids the same way, I have tile floors so I would just put underwear on them, after a couple accidents they did good, I've heard of moms putting Cheerios in the potty for them to aim at but I didn't use them..

on Jun 16, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My 3 year old pees just fine, rarly has an accident. He has only pooped in the potty a few times though. It is almost like he is figuring out he has to poop when he is already pooping.

on Apr 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

With my son at 3 he really was not interested in going potty in the toilet. We tried everything from sinking the cheerios ships to rewards and stickers. It was about 3.5 when he realized that going potty in the toilet was much better than peeing in his pullup. Then about 2 solid weeks of going potty in the toilet he started going poo in there too. By 4 he was completely toilet trained. Its always frustrating but with time it does happen. Not every child is the same in aspect of getting potty trained. Both my nephews did not get potty trained until they were a week away from starting Kindegarden.

on May 21, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Lol I tried the cheerio thing too except we used fruit loops because they were colorful. I know it sounds crazy and weird but whatever works right? If you haven't tried it yet you should give it a go:)

on May 21, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I potty trained my son sitting, even for peeing. When he got at the point of going regularly we worked on standing. I went in with him, sat on the toilet while he was on his potty chair and we'd read a book. He would get so engrossed in the book he'd be peeing without even trying. If he wasn't going I'd turn the water on at a trickle which in turn made him trickle. LOL. After a couple weeks of me sitting in there with him, either reading or sometimes making up a song about going potty, marking it off on a "big boy" chart and praising him he started going in on his own. That boy is 32 now with a 7 year old son. He trained him the same way and it worked for him too. I do think though the majority of it depends on the individual child. They tend to finally put 2 & 2 together one day out of nowhere it seems. Every personality is different. Just try to be patient, it will be a distant memory before you know it.

on Jun 26, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

My oldest son did the same thing. It was all about control. I tried everything; M&M's for rewards, etc. but he would refuse to even sit on the potty after awhile. I got him the special underwear; no go. He would go in the pull-up or diaper instead of the potty even though he was completely able to use the potty. So, I ended up putting him in underwear, full-time except bedtime. I had extra changes of clothes with me at all times, and towels in the car. It came down to a battle of wills, but he finally decided he didn't like being messy and decided to go back to using the potty. He was a stubborn little man who is now 16 by the way. So, you will be successful! The key is not to let him get his way, and persevere.

on Jun 28, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have twin boys and I started potty training them when they had turned two. They will be 4 this year. It was a task. Oh my. They caught on quickly with peeing on the potty but poo pooing was a task. It took about 3 months to get them to poo poo on the toilet. Until I started researching and I say where if they walk around naked they will have no choice but to go. I put a long shirt on the twins and surely that first day they went to the toilet. The same the second by the third day no matter if we were at the store or wherever they told me when they had to go....yes yes yes...fully potty trained boys in 3 days running around naked.lol...I was skepitcal but it worked...I just potty trained my 2 yearold daughter the same way.

on Jun 30, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Boys are definitely harder to train than girls. My son took about 6-7 months to get him fully trained. We finally took him to the store, let him pick out a toy that he wanted. We took that toy and put it on a shelf in the bathroom...high enough he couldn't reach it on his own but where he could see it. We did a sticker chart to earn it. After he earned half the stickers, he could hold the toy, which was still in the box, and look at it. This seemed to motivate him motivate him more. Now my daughter basically trained herself 2 weeks before turning 2 in May. I take almost no credit for training her. She was just ready and took right off. It took one weekend to train her fully. We could go without pull-ups at night for her but I'm still not comfortable with it yet.

on Jul 04, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been told, when potty training children, from my grandmother who had and raised eight children that one should run them to the bathroom when you notice they are about to go or tell you that they have to go. Eventually, they will correlate the toilet with going "potty."
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