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DIY beauty treatments
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on Jul 23, 2012 (Read 6473 times | Comments: 16)
Anyone know any good recipes for homemade beauty treatments?

on Apr 11, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I make a homemade face mask of honey cinnamon and nutmeg. I push my hair back and put the mixture on my face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes then wash off. If you're really worried about blackheads I'd try baking soda and water (just a lil bit of water) rubbed on your face; it really cleans your face up nice.

on Apr 11, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I forgot to mention my homemade tooth paste made with peppermint extract baking soda water and sea salt. It doesn't have fluoride (which is toxic) and baking soda whitens your teeth. I haven't been using it for long so i cant really give a better review at the moment. but i figure its worth a try.

on Oct 20, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've just started looking into homemade skincare products. I never knew there were so many different ones. Thanks for all of the ideas!

on Nov 15, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I make my own face oil. The main ingredient is grapeseed oil, then I add vitamin e oil, sweet almond oil, and aloe Vera gel. The aloe vera gel is a little thick so I shake the mixtures well before I apply. I don't measure anything out but I do fill the bottle half way up with the grapeseed oil and then add the other ingredients. I also make my own eyleash serum. The ingredients are castor oil, vitamin e oil, sweet almond oil, and biotin. I don't measure these either. I put them in a small plastic cosmetic jar with a lid, screw the lid on. Then I place it in a storage bowl with water, then put the storage bowl in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes. The reason I put the product jar in a storage bowl comes half way with water is because the storage bowl floats preventing the eye lash serum sinking to the bottom of the pan and melting.

on Mar 30, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Mix coconut oil and baking soda to form a paste. Apply it to your face and back of hands with a circular motion and your skin will feel silky smooth when finished. Rinse and finish off with a splash of cold water.

on Mar 31, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

My go to diy is apple cider vinegar for absolutely everything I use on my hair, my heels, my armpits, and as a facial mask. Sometimes I just use by itself or with other products. It does have an odor but it quickly fades
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