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DIY beauty treatments
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on Jul 23, 2012 (Read 6472 times | Comments: 16)
Anyone know any good recipes for homemade beauty treatments?

on Aug 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have two easy, luxurious recipes for spa quality treatments. The first one is a sugar scrub ~~ http://pynk-nymphette.com/7-up-sugar-scrub ~~ The other is for a cocoa butter hair mask ~~ http://pynk-nymphette.com/cocoa-butter-hair-masque

on Sep 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My grandmother swore by lemons for clean glowing skin. So for me instead of wash I use 1/2 lemon juice 1/2 water one a cotton ball every morning. Makes my skin feel fresh and clean. A few times a week I cut a lemon in half dip it in sugar and give my face a good exfoliating treatment. Also for large pores egg whites with a few drops of lemon juice or honey works amazing. Makes my skin soft and pores visibly smaller.

on Nov 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

tumeric powder, try to find kasturi tumeric to avoid stains, with milk as a type of paste, apply it to ur face, then wash off with warm water in 10-20 mins. this will moisturize & even tone.. u can combine some honey, & lemon juice along with a bit of olive oil as a paste/mask to treat acne & uneven tone.. leave on this for 10-20 mins then wash off as well. i have a lot of left over acne marks, hyperpigmentation on my face. I just use lemon juice as a toner, apply it at night and wash it off in the morning. this worked great for me. it also stopped me from breaking out so often.

on Dec 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Coconut oil on your knees and elbows and heels if you have dry skin. Works great and you smell nice!

on Dec 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

For dry skin you should try coconut oil, I use it on my face even due to the cold weather! Makes all my dry spots silky and smooth! You can also make lip balm out of coconut oil. Perfect!

on Dec 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Lemons and sugar for a face scrub. I also will melt coco butter and pour into molds, freeze, than add it to my bath for a homemade bath melt. You can add essential oils for added benefits.

on Jan 02, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have coconut oil but never knew what to use it on. Now i will try. Thanks!

on Jan 06, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use a vinegar rinse in my hair every few days to help lay down the cuticle. If you have really damaged hair and cannot afford to spend money on expensive ph balanced shampoos, vinegar works great to restore hair's natural ph and lay the cuticle back down,

on Sep 05, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

hydrogen perixode & water in a spray bottle, I spray my toes after the bath each day, it keeps me from getting cloudy toe nails or any type of fungus. I also use vaseline as a eye make-up remover with a damn cloth, it doesn't pull out my eye lashes.

on Dec 23, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have the typical combination skin with the T-zone that gets oily while other areas tend to dry out. I also have to be religious with cleansing, if I skip washing just one night, a day or two later my skin breaks out. I was skeptical when I read about using olive oil on your skin because I thought it would clog my pores and make me oily. I was pleasantly surprised! I cleansed as usual, applied the oil, then took a steamy hot towel and placed it over my face. I relaxed while the towel cooled down and then wiped away any excess oil. Viola! My skin was soft and smooth and believe it or not, i was complimented the very next day on my glowing skin! I do this once a week with zero problems. :)
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