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How did you meet your other half?
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on Apr 29, 2012 (Read 30676 times | Comments: 40)
So many threads are focused on not-so-positive things that I thought, "Why don't we share some happy memories?!" Let's remember that no matter what's going on right now, we've got at least one memory that might make us smile. I met my husband in 1995 at a local fish hatchery where my Agriculture class had gone for the week. My job was to cut off fish heads after measuring them and his job was to hand me fish. Very romantic, right? We were both soaked, I was covered in fish guck.. but he had the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. At break he walked over to his big black 70's Chevy pickup and that was it for me, I was SOLD! After many a break, bump & bruise, we got married at that same fish hatchery 7 months ago in the same spot that we shared our first kiss... by the same man that scolded us for having that kiss!! <3 Make someone smile and share your story! You never know whose life you'll impact with your words. -Namaste-

on Oct 20, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I went to school with my boyfriend. I thought he was so dorky, and he got on my nerves. He sent me a message on Facebook one day and we started talking. After a couple of weeks I still wasn't sure on my feelings for him. He is really sweet and didn't give up. I found myself falling, fast, for him. Now he has become a part of my life.

on Jan 30, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

my fiance was my teaching assistant in college lol i remember having such a big crush on him (shhh i still do dont tell him) but i made sure to not even try and make a move until after he was no longer teaching me and moved on to a different job lol :)

on Feb 05, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

We actually met in Middle school and continued high school together. We rode the same bus and always had an attraction to wach other, just never acted upon it. Well Dec 19th 2013 he came home from Afghanistan and we were inseparable since! I wouldnt have it any other way!

on May 11, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my SO at my house because he was dating my best friend. I know! It sounds terrible but they only dated for about a week or two and nothing was there. So we was at work one day and she said why don't you text this guy he seems sweet but he's just not me he seems more you. So I did and we met up that night and hung out a lot after and before we knew it we were "boyfriend/girlfriend". We've been together 2.5 years now and are still madly in love. We have a beautiful 4 month old little girl and are fixing to move to a new home. :) Yes I want to get married but he says not now, I'm fine with that just whenever he is ready I'm ready. :)

on May 11, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my SO at my house because he was dating my best friend. I know! It sounds terrible but they only dated for about a week or two and nothing was there. So we was at work one day and she said why don't you text this guy he seems sweet but he's just not me he seems more you. So I did and we met up that night and hung out a lot after and before we knew it we were "boyfriend/girlfriend". We've been together 2.5 years now and are still madly in love. We have a beautiful 4 month old little girl and are fixing to move to a new home. :) Yes I want to get married but he says not now, I'm fine with that just whenever he is ready I'm ready. :)

on May 11, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my other half on yahoo chats back in 2003 but didnt meet him face to face in 2004 and than we dated but i couldnt remember chatting with him during that time in 03 but he did and we are still together even though we broke up and wasnt together for 3 years in 2006, than got back to hang out with each other in 09 got back together again in 2010 and still together. My bf is a direct person so 1st date we were already boyfriend and girlfriend without him asking me to be his.

on May 11, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my hubby about 20 minutes from where we both lived at the present time. I was ending my day as a nurse aid and my hubby was ending his day as a carpenter, both needing a good break.

on May 22, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

There on a normal day, in a notable place, was an unexpected ooccurence.........a stranger met a sister. A few years, a lot of prayers and many smiles later, the stranger and the sister are married. My husband(the stranger) and I (the sister) met in church......the place of love.

on Jun 01, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

My husband and I met threw mutual friends at a house party in college. I went to a university in another city and was there visiting friends from high school. Originally I was supposed to be meeting another mutual friend in hopes of maybe a spark but after I met my husband, there was no one else I could possibly have eyes for. He was the complete opposite of anyone I had ever dated and that most certainly added to the attraction between us. Been married now almost 3 years and I fall more in love with him everyday.

on Jun 01, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

This has been a great topic and I have enjoyed the responses. Congrats to you. Many happy returns to all who shared. Love really does linger in the most unsuspecting situations, doesn't it?
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