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What should I do?
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on Dec 04, 2011 (Read 3027 times | Comments: 21)
I have been in a relationship with this guy for 8 years. We have one child together. We have moved to FL and honestly I did this move for him. I am not happy here and want to go back to where my family is. Our relationship is far from stable. He has cheated on me and I have on him. Our list of dirt to each other is LONG! But some how we try to make it work. So here is my question, he never says he loves me (says it daily to our child) , we were engaged and he changed his mind saying he could never marry me, has called me his sons whore mother to his friends...list goes on. This is my question...I want to leave but if I do, I lose everything including a car since its in his name. He has a violent past and I am afraid of what he will do. If I stay, I am miserable. I can literally feel myself drifting away. i believe deep down inside that I am a great woman who needs to be single and find herself, what I need from you is some ideas to get out of this situation, feel free to ask me anythin
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