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What should I do?
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on Dec 04, 2011 (Read 3032 times | Comments: 21)
I have been in a relationship with this guy for 8 years. We have one child together. We have moved to FL and honestly I did this move for him. I am not happy here and want to go back to where my family is. Our relationship is far from stable. He has cheated on me and I have on him. Our list of dirt to each other is LONG! But some how we try to make it work. So here is my question, he never says he loves me (says it daily to our child) , we were engaged and he changed his mind saying he could never marry me, has called me his sons whore mother to his friends...list goes on. This is my question...I want to leave but if I do, I lose everything including a car since its in his name. He has a violent past and I am afraid of what he will do. If I stay, I am miserable. I can literally feel myself drifting away. i believe deep down inside that I am a great woman who needs to be single and find herself, what I need from you is some ideas to get out of this situation, feel free to ask me anythin

on Apr 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

This seems to be too common an issue for too many people, men and women alike. I think you already know what you should do, but are looking for validation of your feelings. This is typical, we all do it, but the bottom line is 9 out of 10 times we already know what the right thing to do is, and I believe you are one of the 9. Move on, respect yourself and your needs, there is nothing selfish about it, especially when it seems you've been the one compromising and sacrificing and receiving nothing in return......just my opinion. http://leaveyourlover365.blogspot.com/

on Apr 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

This seems to be too common an issue for too many people, men and women alike. I think you already know what you should do, but are looking for validation of your feelings. This is typical, we all do it, but the bottom line is 9 out of 10 times we already know what the right thing to do is, and I believe you are one of the 9. Move on, respect yourself and your needs, there is nothing selfish about it, especially when it seems you've been the one compromising and sacrificing and receiving nothing in return......just my opinion. http://leaveyourlover365.blogspot.com/

on Sep 07, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Call your family and then go to the police about it and if u want file a restraining order

on Sep 16, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I read a self-help book once that suggested that a person in a situation like yours needs to sit down and write out a pro and con list. This list, for you, would have alll the reasons you feel you should stay and all the reasons you feel you should go. Which list is longer? Which list seems more vital to your well-being and that of your son? After you study the list you may feel stronger about your decision whatever it is. You might also ask yourself "what's the worst that can happen if I stay or if I go" and decide which result you could cope with best.

on Sep 16, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I read a self-help book once that suggested that a person in a situation like yours needs to sit down and write out a pro and con list. This list, for you, would have alll the reasons you feel you should stay and all the reasons you feel you should go. Which list is longer? Which list seems more vital to your well-being and that of your son? After you study the list you may feel stronger about your decision whatever it is. You might also ask yourself "what's the worst that can happen if I stay or if I go" and decide which result you could cope with best.

on Sep 16, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I read a self-help book once that suggested that a person in a situation like yours needs to sit down and write out a pro and con list. This list, for you, would have alll the reasons you feel you should stay and all the reasons you feel you should go. Which list is longer? Which list seems more vital to your well-being and that of your son? After you study the list you may feel stronger about your decision whatever it is. You might also ask yourself "what's the worst that can happen if I stay or if I go" and decide which result you could cope with best.

on Sep 16, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you want a divorce and your afraid you will lose it all, record him. Trick him into saying what he does to you so it can be recorded and then that you can show to a judge. I am sure there are witnesses too as you mentioned, question and problem is, is that if they are they friends they will not back you up unless they disagree with his treatment. I would leave him, you do not deserve that! This is not love once y'all are both cheating and you feel afraid all the time.

on Sep 17, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

allsmiles 77 I so agre with you, please get out, this is not good for you or the children, life is too short to try and make something work when you know its not working, god bless and im praying for you

on Jan 31, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you cannot stand it the leave,for heavens sake what are you doing dating for 8years?Look here a man can sleep with you as many times as he can,toy around with you but never value you,if he loves you,making your life miserable would be the last thing he would ever do,having his child doesn't guarantee that he loves your,I bet you know your worth girl,you do not deserve that, for eight years now i think you deserve more than the best cheers

on Feb 05, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Get in contact with your family, let them know what's going on. You need to reach out to the people who genuinely care about you, instead of staying with a guy who treats you like dirt. Don't settle. You need to do what makes you happy, and what keeps you and your child safe. Stay strong and whatever you do, don't forget that your child comes first, and seeing the way the father treats their mother has a huge impact on their life.
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