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on Nov 17, 2011 (Read 45065 times | Comments: 41)
I am a mom of 2 in Oklahoma. We just started our first year of Homeschooling this year and I would love to hear from some other Homeschool moms! We are doing a completely by interest school year. By that I mean, if he asks a question we did deep to find the answer. We have talked about tigers and the weather and history. It is amazing what his little mind will soak up at such a young age. What types of things are your kids learning? Any suggestions for us ladies just starting out?

on Dec 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I decided to homeschool my special needs child after years of bullying. I realize that the no child left behind law is an advantage to our children, but it also puts children with special needs (mine at least) in a compromising situation where they do not have the peer support they need. I am very afraid of failure. Can anyone relate to that feeling and just comment on how you got through it. I cant seem to find a good jumping off point for teaching.

on Dec 09, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My kiddos and I have a fun homeschool blog where we write about different things we do. Beginning Dec. 12, we're having a "Back to School after Christmas Break Celebration" where we'll have homeschool themed giveaways. We've been blessed by a lot of curriculum companies this year & will be reviewing lots of great things! Right now we're focusing on Christmas but in the past I've written about different things we've done in school from Archaeology digs in our backyard to baking in the kitchen & you can find all of it by scrolling down. Our blog is thetravellingsisterhood.blogspot.com : )

on Dec 09, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm a single mom & my kids are always begging me to home school them but there's just not enough hours in the day to earn the money, do all the household chores & be a teacher too! I'd like to hear from other single parents that have made this work. Good luck to you.

on Dec 09, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am in my 3rd year of homeschooling, and my kids love it! We do our math at xtramath.org it is a free site that makes sure they know addition through division with no expensive textbooks. We also watch a lot of Discovery channel and History channel shows. If you are unsure of curriculums a good online based one is studyisland.com it creates a curriculum based on your states requirements. Good luck, and have fun!

on Dec 11, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been homeschooling for two years now. I use time4learning.com, workbooks, printable sheets, videos, and I am just getting into lapbooking. My son is in Kung Fu for discipline and social skills. We also go to the park regularly, and he has friends in the neighborhood as well as multiple cousins here in town. The local museum here is free, and we go on nature trips and scavenger hunts.

on Dec 11, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a homeschool mother of a 6 yr old daughter and we love it. She is in 1st grade and can write all upper and lower case letters in cursive. The school districts here just recently quit teaching cursive in school. She can also read very well with up to around 8 letter words. We use A Beka Academy and love them, my other daughter graduated from homeschool a couple of years ago. You are on your own time schedule with homeschooling because if you have to go someplace in the morning do it in the afternoon or opposite. If you have to miss a day, you have a Saturday to make it up. I feel better about homeschool because I know where my daughter is and that she is safe and she doesn't get sick near as much not being in school. I would recommend it to anyone, it is great to Homeschool!!

on Dec 12, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I,too home school my two boys.I have found having a schedule is essential,otherwise we are too distracted by everything.My advise to parents of homeschooled children under the age of 7 is to relax.Bake together,if you like to bake.It's math!Go to the store,talk about prices,pick the best buy.Give the child a shopping list with pictures.Stay away from busywork and academics.They will have lots of time for that soon enough.

on Jan 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I start homeschooling our to-be 2nd and 3rd grade daughters this Fall. I am almost 30 years old and I graduated at the age of 17 from homeschooling, it was great for me and rewarding. I am currently in college and plan to graduate this year, I am now confident in my ability to teach my children at home and pray that I have the patience to do so! :)

on Jan 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am trying to start homeschooling my three year old and would be interested in any tips too!

on Feb 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I found a great curriculum for our first year finally. It takes some organization work on my part, and a lot of ink and paper, but my son is doing really well with it and I can throw things of my own in with it to make it more suited to him. We are using the Letter of the week program from www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com I am having a little bit of a hard time finding what to do next year. Can't decide if he will really be ready for Kindergarten or if we should do a K-4 program. But time will tell I guess. The hardest part to me is finding what we will use. Especially on a very tight budget. But I am learning as I go with that too. Things that will work for some will not work for mine. My son probably won't ever do well with stuff that isn't "fun" and is all book based.
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