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on Nov 17, 2011 (Read 45060 times | Comments: 41)
I am a mom of 2 in Oklahoma. We just started our first year of Homeschooling this year and I would love to hear from some other Homeschool moms! We are doing a completely by interest school year. By that I mean, if he asks a question we did deep to find the answer. We have talked about tigers and the weather and history. It is amazing what his little mind will soak up at such a young age. What types of things are your kids learning? Any suggestions for us ladies just starting out?

on Nov 17, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

We just started homeschooling our 4 year old twins for PreK, but my 17 year old daughter graduated from homeschool this last year. My biggest tip is remember you not on the school's schedule! Relax and have fun while you learn with your children.

on Nov 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thanks. I am learning that slowly! My son is 4 years old as well. He is just not one for sitting down so we learn on the fly so to speak. He is really soaking up information though, so that makes me feel better, lol! Thanks, look forward to chatting with you in the future.

on Nov 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a homeschooling mom of 2 - my son is 17 and my daughter is 12 and they both have special needs. I have used lapbooking in the past year and it has worked great. Lapbooks can be for any age and any interest and there are many websites that offer lapbooks - Hands of a Child, Homeschool Share and my favorite is CurrClick

on Nov 21, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love that you're asking about this! I'm a graduated from total homeschooling 23-year-old. It was great. There were ups and downs,but just finding your groove is important. :) We did a good combination of home work, Friday classes like chemistry and biology with labs at someone's house with others, a Sports League with other homeschoolers, etc. Lots of involvement in church activities and theater at the local Performing Arts Center. Loved having my own schedule for some part and being able to finish early. :) Great experience. Wouldn't change it! http://munchtalk.blogspot.com/

on Nov 21, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I also homeschool my daughter. she is in first grade. We did kindergarten and preschool also. We use a mix of materials. We also mix up the mediums. She likes to use the computer, workbooks, unit studies, etc...We also participate in a local homeschool coop. She attends classes through it with other homeschool students once a week. She is also involved at church. She has participated in sports through the local Y. I like to refer to http://www.internet4classrooms.com/grade_level_help.htm for grade level skill sets and grade level standards. On it, I've also found some great links. Since I'm putting together my curriculum from various sources, I like to review this to make sure that I'm covering the bases.

on Nov 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi! I'm a homeschool mom as well! I have a nearly-6-year-old son who is doing First Grade and a 20-month-old son who does "tot school." For First Grade we are using a boxed curriculum, My Father's World, and are loving it so far. Last year, for K, I just pulled together workbooks, unit studies and random things we wanted to learn about. I love that there is so much out there to use as resources. I follow probably 50 amazing homeschooling blogs that post printables, unit study info, great ideas and suggestions - there is a wonderful online community of homeschool moms out there that are sharing their talents! I have a local homeschool group, but it is very small and doesn't have a co-op or do much at all right now. But it is nice to have fellow homeschoolers in the area for support! I post a weekly homeschool recap on my blog: http://heyitsjade.blogspot.com if you're interested in seeing how we do things!

on Nov 30, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thank you so much for sharing everyone this is awesome. I love hearing what everyone else is using for curriculum and such. I will check out the blog suggestions, I have really been wanting to find some to follow. It would be great to get some ideas!

on Dec 02, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been homeschooling my three children for about 4 years now. We use the internet, books, workbooks and sheets that I create for our topics. Right now I am teaching 8th, 7th, and 4th grades. I post the sheets and sites that I use on my blog http://riskhomeschool.blogspot.com/ We are independent right now until next year when we will be signing up with Home Life. We absolutely love homeschooling, it does get hard sometimes (especially with the Geometry and Algebra) - but it is worth it.

on Dec 02, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have one suggestion. I would just be aware that they are still getting socialization from other children in the same age groups, this is a skilled which is also developing young and will be much needed as they set out into life in society. Park & Rec, Sports, Play Dates, Scouts, community social gathering, etc. on a regular basis work great to supply the outside socialization. Good Luck!

on Dec 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My son played T-ball last year and likely will again. We have joined a group close by that we meet every other month or so for play dates and such. We have play dates with cousins and things too. I am activily looking for a church in our area as well.
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