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Lets talk junkfood
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on Nov 09, 2011 (Read 11703 times | Comments: 25)
I have to be one of the biggest junk food eater. I very often will have donuts, cake, or cookies for breakfast. Yes I know eat healthy right!! Well thats true but hey we only live once. Chocolate anything chocolate is a big downfall of mine. Right now I have found 1 of those flavored coffee creamers which I usually don*t go for. However this one is called Almond Joy. To me it literally tastes like you are drinking a liquified Almond Joy bar. I probbly know the name of practically every cookie and candy bar out there. I am a lover of yogurt any glavor. Try the chocolate mousse one and dice up some strawberries to go along with it. Nutella on apple slices is out of this world. See I actually do eat real food anyway. So come on out there all you junk food eaters pass some good favorites of yours out to all of us.

on Jan 13, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Nutella, Peanut Butter and Bananas on toast for breakfast....it sure tastes like junkfood! But I think Dark Chocolate is my favorite thing. When my husband buys me a box of chocolates he always has them put half dark and half milk so that we both are happy.

on Jan 15, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I used to be more of a junk food eater... I am in love with putting Nutella and strawberries on my waffles for breakfast sometimes... I also love m&ms....

on Jan 15, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Anything salty is my vice!! Bring on the potato chips, the nuts, the pretzels! I cannot stop eating pistachios once I start. And soft pretzels slathered in cheese sauce!!!

on Jan 17, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

i love junk food im not a sweets person instead i love salts i love chips and fried chicken, fries,nachos slim jims and just abo.ut anything greasy and unhealthy

on Jan 18, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thankfully I'm not to big of a junkfoodie. More fastfood if. I got my way lol......I don't like ice cream but I looooooovvvvvveeee freshly done brownies and will then take ice cream with it. That's a dessert I can never turn down...alsoooo loooooovvvvveeeee crunch n munch popcorn and century theatres popcorn. And if I have candy. Has to b chocolate over chewy sugary.

on Feb 13, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have my days wehre somethiing sweet is my junky and others where something salty takes over like chips bs hershey candy bars. I reward myself once in a whille but other times its just for the love of it.

on Feb 14, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have a weakness for cheese. Oh and a really good pastry from the bakery. Unfortunately, it always a late night snack.

on Feb 15, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've been craving potato chips and chocolate too lately and I don't know why. I recently lost quite a bit of weight and I certainly don't want to gain that back! Maybe it's the salt in the potato chips I'm craving?? Oh and french fries!! I could eat french fries every day!! I can just feel my arteries clogging as I type!!!!

on Feb 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

junk food ...sigh...my biggest indulgence...I have gotten to a point where a meal isn't complete without dessert and i snack on junk food all day...but i haven't had any since Wednesday because i decided to give it up for lent...it hasn't been a week yet and the cravings are through the roof..but i can do it, 6 and half weeks is not long at least that's what i'm going to keep telling myself until its over . there is nothing like CHOCOLATE ICE-CREAM, TWIX, GARRET'S POPCORN CHICAGO MIX, AUNTIE ANN'S PRETZELS,CHICAGO DEEP DISH PIZZA, DORITOS ,DONUTS AND AN NICE CHEWY PIECE OF CANDY ...MY MOUTH IS WATERING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!!

on Feb 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I LOVE junk food. My favorite chip is Barbara's Bakery Original Cheese Puffs w// blu cheese (I hate blu cheese). They are so good and they don't give you the greasy, bloated feeling. Milk Duds and Cadbury candy coated chocolate eggs. I feel I should buy stock in both companies. I love food period.
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