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Lets talk junkfood
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on Nov 09, 2011 (Read 11702 times | Comments: 25)
I have to be one of the biggest junk food eater. I very often will have donuts, cake, or cookies for breakfast. Yes I know eat healthy right!! Well thats true but hey we only live once. Chocolate anything chocolate is a big downfall of mine. Right now I have found 1 of those flavored coffee creamers which I usually don*t go for. However this one is called Almond Joy. To me it literally tastes like you are drinking a liquified Almond Joy bar. I probbly know the name of practically every cookie and candy bar out there. I am a lover of yogurt any glavor. Try the chocolate mousse one and dice up some strawberries to go along with it. Nutella on apple slices is out of this world. See I actually do eat real food anyway. So come on out there all you junk food eaters pass some good favorites of yours out to all of us.

on Nov 09, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My boyfriend and I love the Peanut Butter/Chocolate Chex mix. It's the perfect mix of sweet and salty. Sometimes we make our own, but we haven't in awhile because we tend to demolish it in less than two days usually. I love muffins and pies and also anything chocolate! I try to eat healthy, but sweets are where it goes downhill. I have to have something sweet everyday. Which is weird because before I had any kids I didn't care that much about sweets. Now I'm obsessed. I hate it and love it at the same time lol.

on Nov 21, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

OH GIRLFRIEND YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! JUNK FOOD IS MY MAIN MEAL!!! LOL OR SHALL I SAY MEALS!!!! If you have ever ate No-bake or also called Preacher cookies, then try this easy recipe! Take ONE container of chocolate cake icing and put it in the microwave for approx. One minute (until Icing is liquified) while the icing is melting in the microwave spoon out ever how much PEANUT BUTTER you want in to a mixing bowl! When Icing is done pour it into the bowl that contains peanut butter and stir; until well, mixed...then simply add ever how many oats(quaker oatmeal oats)if you prefer and stir until well mixed. THen spoon out ever how much you want on to some wax paper and let them sit/stand for a few minutes and waa-laa EASY COOKIES!!! AND YUMMY TOO!!!! If you try this let me know what you think!

on Dec 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

MMMM I am totally with you on this one...such a sweets girl!! My friends all know it and lovingly tease me about it. My favorites are cookie dough or frosting straight out of the package/can....really no way to go wrong there :)

on Jan 11, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Junk food junkie here too. I love anything chocolate {of course}, cookies, candy bars & ice cream {chocolate & peanut butter cup or chocolate fudge brownie frozen yogurt are my favorites} :)

on Jan 11, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Im a cookie addict! My only problem is that I like all the expensive cookies. The pastry kind at the grocery store is my favorite. The horns or sour cream pastry. I also like the peanut butter with chocolate on the top from the bakery too and Double Chocolate Milanos. My husband complains that I spend too much money on cookies! haha!

on Jan 11, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I absolutly LOVE junkfood. Sometimes I feel guilty but lately I have been indulging in Skinny Cow milk chocolate heavenly crisps. They are soooo good and satisfy my sweet tooth without making me feel like bad.

on Jan 11, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am only addicted to junk food now since I earn my own money to indulge. When I was a child growing up, I had really strict parents...the only liquids we had to drink at home was Water and Milk...and I was allergic to milk as a child, so i only drank water. We always ate at home and once or twice a year we eat outside...sometimes we don't eat out at all! So right now, I am crazy about junk food and try to get my hands on them as much as I can...its such a bad habit now! My favorite will have to be potato chips! I love the Wise Honey BBQ ones!!!! I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but if i did, i always bake :D

on Jan 12, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I never eat anything appropriate for meals, I had steak for breakfast. LOL Junk food, I'm a candy girl, I like chocolate but candy is my downfall, nerds, smarties, anything sugary. It's terrible. Have you ever tried to withdraw from sugar, holy withdrawal headaches batman.

on Jan 12, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I recently had lap band surgery and dang i can still eat a whole bag of micro popcorn-LOL. Give me Sprees, chips with dip, I am a carb junkie and tryong to navigate that with surgery has been a test. A MINI bagel feels like a stone in my chest ! Bring on junk !

on Jan 13, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Hersheys with almonds!! Love 'em! Although I admit I do have a long list of junk food favorites! Recently discovered Garrett's Chicago mix popcorn. I am not normally a popcorn fan but this cheddar and caramel popcorn mix is awesome - just the right mix of salty and sweet. One more for the list! Junk food eaters unite!!
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