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What's the Best Supplements to Take to Promote Weight Loss?
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on Nov 02, 2011 (Read 4831 times | Comments: 19)
I have tried everything to lose weight. I just want to lose 10 lbs, without having to starve. I eat right, and exercise everyday. I even have made little changes to burn more calories....like....choosing to stand for most of the day at the office vs. sitting. With winter coming it seems as though my body has just shut down and it putting on lbs to stay warm for the winter. Now I'm wondering, if there any supplements or even weightloss pills that actually work to help me lose weight? Thank you for opinions!

on Jan 15, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Supplements don't promote weight lost, good eating does. You may need to examine your diet to see what small changes can be made to lose those last 10 lbs. It will be a challenge because when you don't have much to lose your body will hang onto every pound. One trick I find that helps is to have a small salad and glass of water before every meal. You'll then eat less but still feel full.

on Jan 16, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I recommend sibu beauty revitalize juice, add it to a smoothie in the morning. Use a program such as Loseit.com I use it myself to log calories etc. It's amazing how sometimes you eat more calories than needed without realizing it. Eating right is great, but even eating more of healthy foods can add the calories in.

on May 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would be careful of Hydroxycut. I tried that a few years ago and then found out they had a recall on it. I had a big bottle of it and took it back to the store I bought it from and they refunded my money. However, I was surprised that it was never taken off the shelves after the recall so I'm not sure if they fixed whatever needed to be recalled. Also, I got two migraines while taking it and after I stopped, I haven't had one since. I suppose that was a unique reaction, but I still think there was a connection. In the past I tried CLA and had good results with that....nothing drastic, but it helped the scale move in the right direction. I don't normally like to take supplements, but sometimes it does get frustrating when you work out hard week after week and make a good effort to eat right and still can't get over the hump.

on Nov 17, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've tried hydroxycut pills and they just arent working as far as weight loss, they give me tons of energy but no weight loss results.

on Nov 21, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I highly recommend Lipo6, you can purchase it at WalMart for around $25. It gives you lots of energy, suppresses your appetite and doesn't make me jittery or nervous.

on Dec 05, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think eating healthy, avoid too much take out or dinning out. Implement more water in your daily life by drinking water before and after each meal. Not everyone can mange rigorous exercise as a matter a fact am one such person so what I do is go for morning walks, do simple sit ups. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Stay away from any supplement that says you can lose a whole lot of weight without doing any work for easy does it things ends badly an have bad side effect. Just know that patients is virtue and its better to lose the weight slowly for then it will be better to maintain than losing it fast. GOOD LUCK!

on Jan 01, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Im still trying to lose my post baby wright. Its so hard.

on Jan 02, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Use an app like myfitnesspal to TRULY see if you are eating right and you might be shocked!! I thought I was eating right with smaller portions and loads of fresh fruits and veggies, but when I started tracking every calorie in versus calorie out...YIKES!!!!! I am not a fan of diet pills due to the reports stating that they have the highest rebound effect of ANY weight loss method (meaning you will quickly gain all your weight back and often more). Also most diet pills are some form of diuretic so you are only losing water weight which will come right back. It sounds like you have hit a weight loss plateau and it may take reducing your calories and integrating another type of workout into your routine. good luck!

on Apr 03, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

hello I personally take Plexus. it is an all natural supplement line that is plant based. it levels blood sugar levels which aids in weight loss, helps decrease appetite, promotes healthy cholesterol and lipid levels, improves gut health and inflammation in the body. I have info if you are interested.
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