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Cell Phones
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on Sep 28, 2011 (Read 71784 times | Comments: 35)
What do you think is the right age for a cell phone. The phone in question would have have all available restrictions, with all parental controls possible, coupled in house restrictions and terms of use.

on Mar 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

middle school I think is a good age, But they need to earn it, extra chores and stuff.

on Mar 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Around 12/13 is a good age. One with basic calls.

on Mar 06, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My son is just 5 years old, so I've never actually thought about it.

on Mar 06, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I didn't get one til I was 25! My kids got one about 14.

on Jul 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My husband and I didnt give our oldest daughter a cell til she was in 6th grade, and a good thing about her.....she doesnt date and still chooses not to. But now adays, teens and younger kids are spoiled and always want and want, just make sure they are RESPONSIBLE enough before cause if they cant keep track of anything else they have.....they arent ready for a cell phone. Most kids want them cause their friends have them. I do from time to time check my daughters phone but never have to worry about her txts or what she looks up cause she never searches anything on her phone.......she is a big wrestling fan to do that, LOL! But if she gets into major trouble, her phone gets taken away, and sometimes for 2 weeks, which she hates but she learns her leason. It is also good though as I saw in some of the other replies to have in case of emergencies or just to check in on them.

on Jul 28, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My son was 14 when I purchased his first phone because he was going out of state on a skiing trip. I think it depends on the circumstances. My daughter is going to 4th grade and I know she is not responsible enough for a phone. Neither will she be spending lots of time away from me, which I think was the determining factor when I decided to get one for my son.

on Oct 18, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Both my older children were 13 and they werent a;llowed to take them to school

on Oct 20, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I didn't even get my first cell phone until I went to college, I would like to say that I would do the same for my child, but then I know that won't be possible. I would probably end up giving them their first cell phones once they reach High school, at 11th grade, of if they tell me they would be hanging out late with friends, i would give them a pay as you go phone. Unless they get themselves a job and buy it themselves, then that is the rules I will stick with.

on Oct 21, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

depends on how often your child is away

on Oct 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I got my first phone when I was in 7th grde.My mom bought it for me in case of an emergency,she's visually disabled.It wasn't fancy at all just a lil' flip phone no cam no nothing.I didn't use it much and even though it had txting I don't remember using it much.It wasn't till' I was in 9th grade when I got a camera phone and then everything started going bad.I ran up my minutes and text messages.I remember my dad getting real mad because of the bill being so high.It was really distracting in class.At some point my mom would take it at night so I wouldn't talk ot text at night.Now that I think of it I was very irresponsible with it.My parents should of restricted it more.
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