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What does your partner do for YOU!?
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on Jul 02, 2011 (Read 83081 times | Comments: 47)
So, what does your partner do for you that shows love and affection. It could be something big or small, just something that you appreciate?

on Feb 06, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

He does nothing.

on Feb 12, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

He lets me sleep in, and gets the kids up, ready for school, makes their lunches and drives them in. I am very lucky. :)

on Apr 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

He'll surprise me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, chocolates & grocery bags of sinfully delicious goodies :)

on Jun 08, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm so proud of him and even elated to be his life-long companion. He cooks, helps me clean when I need help, he works his buns off, he's helped raise our two children (now 21 and 24), he always asks me to walk with him when he takes our dog out for walks in the morning or he'll let me sleep in late. He never disrespects me in any way and when we have heated debates he grabs me to dance with him even though I may be angry with him. He makes me laugh and rubs my tush at night If I can't sleep.

on Jun 27, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

My boyfriend is the hardest worker I know, and even when I've had the most stressful day, he's still being a hard worker at home by doing little things to help make me feel relaxed. He'll draw me a hot bath with my favorite bath bomb, make me jasmine tea, let me have first choice in video games and even a massage. There's so much more he does, and I appreciate every second of it.

on Aug 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have to say I am lucky enough after many many bad relationships I finally can say I have a partner who will bend over backwards to make me happy. He and I both have had our fair share of troubles in our past and when we met both agreed from the start that we would be nothing but straight forward and honest with each other and if either one of us fell out of love with the other we were to speak up and not play games and you know what ... 4 years we are still going strong :)

on Jun 02, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have fibromyalgia and have a hard time doimg a lot of everyday things. He not only tolerates my current inability to work, he also helps me with housekeeping when he can and carries everything up the stairs to our apartment and takes the dog out every morning and every evening so i don't have to do the stairs as much during the day. He encourages me to keep up with my art which puts me in a better mood. He's so supportive of me.
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