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Why do YOU need a new hairdo?
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on Jun 22, 2011 (Read 247802 times | Comments: 110)
With life so hectic, us ladies tend to miss a few hair appointments here and there. We want to know why YOU need a hairdo? Maybe you have an event coming up or you just need a change? Speak up and share your answers!

on Feb 21, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

It usually is a long time between haircuts for me and I always get the same style/cut. I used to make the excuse that because of my job I needed to be able to pull my hair back, but now I think I am just in a routine and keep the same cut. I think I need a new do just to have a change. Getting my hair done is a something I thoroughly enjoy.

on Feb 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

have had the same for a long time now

on Feb 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I tire of my hairstyles and just when it is getting long enough to do something with, I chop it off. Hate the growing in stages and am never happy with my hair during that period. Can't decide what is the best cut/look for a woman of my age.....56. Don't feel as old as my actual number but I do need to consider that when I get it styled. At what age is too old for longer than shoulder length hair??

on Feb 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

It's just time for a change. Something inside of me just screamed " you need to change your hair!"

on Feb 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a 44 year old woman who is stuck with the same hair style Ive had when I was 20 years old! I have a very round face and it's hard to find a hair style that fits my face. I have very straight hair and its easy to manage. I never have to style it because its just straight and flat, I would love to have a new style that looks great and full with my round face. I go to get it cut and even the hairdressers here don't know what to do with my hair to make it look good with my face shape. Please help! Thanks so much! Donna Nunn twon88rulz@yahoo.com

on Feb 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow. I have decided that i am too old for long hair, it is fine and can't really do a thing with it. I think perhaps a short bob will be easier to take care of.

on Feb 23, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am turning 54 in less then a week and have had the same hair style for several years. It would make me feel better about myself. I need to do something for me since I am in constant demand to help my family. A little me time would be good

on Feb 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I need a new hairdo, because I haven't had anything done to my hair since October (and now it's February). I decided to part ways with my hair stylist of 5 years, tried a new one, didn't get results that I liked, and have been petrified to trust someone else with my hair. But I use to get my hair done every 6 weeks, and usually tried a "little" something new each time. Either by color or technique or the cut it's self.

on Feb 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Moms can get stuck in a rut very easily. I always try to switch it up to keep myself looking fresh and not dated. i also constantly switch products as well.

on Aug 13, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I need a new hair-do when I get tired of looking in the mirror and can't think of a new way to style my hair. It feels like a treat for someone else to finally do my hair instead of myself. I also feel like if I feel better about myself then I will be more confident especially in the work field.
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